Delegates of the 1st Congress of the Profintern during a meeting in the Hall of Columns discuss the articles of incorporation.
Fragment of decoration of the hall with the inscription "1 International Congress of Trade Unions" in Russian and foreign languages.
Face Black Congress delegates.
The face of one of the delegates.
Acts Sen Katayama.
Chairman of the Congress of SA Lozovsky discusses the issue of working with members of the presidium.
Lozovskiy listen to the speaker, answers the question approached delegate.
Performed by one of the delegates of the congress.
Lozovskiy (Dridze) Solomon Abramovich - a revolutionary, political, trade union leader, diplomat Katayama Sen (Yabuki Sugatoro) - Japanese revolutionary and politician
Calendar: 07.03.1921
Locations: Moscow [820]
Seasons: Summer [824]