Opening of the monument Yesenin in Moscow (1995)

Footage №55854, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:16

Scene №1 Opening of the monument Yesenin in Moscow

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Tverskoy Boulevard.

Citizens are on the square in front of the monument.

Reporters and cameramen.

Sings Folk Choir.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn says about Yesenin.

Enthusiastic citizens shake sculptor Bichukova AA Laying flowers.

Key words

Tverskoy Boulevard


Sergei Yesenin - Russian poet. Alexander Solzhenitsyn - Russian novelist, playwright, essayist, poet, social and political activist. Anatoly A. Bichukov - Soviet and Russian sculptor, teacher, professor.

Calendar: 1995

Locations: Moscow Tverskoy Boulevard


Monument to Sergei Yesenin

Seasons: Autumn

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