Foreign newsreels № 2789 (1971)

News №59443, 9 footages, duration: 0:12:30
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)

Scene №1

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GDR - playgrounds, school in the new district of Berlin Lichtenberg.


Scene №2

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Romania - the beginning of the school year in schools across the country.

Scene №3

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Bulgaria - a New tradition in the House of newborns in a festive atmosphere give the names of the children.

Scene №4

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Bulgaria - Sofia students to harvest fruits.

Students lay a wreath at the grave of the partisans.

Scene №5

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West Berlin - a Playground.

Scene №6

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Czechoslovakia - shipping Pets from Kenya to the zoo in Dvur Kralove on the plane.

Scene №7

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Bulgaria - an International meeting of representatives of WFDY on the question of summer vacation the youth of the socialist countries.

The resort is on the beach.

Scene №8

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Czechoslovakia - the international exhibition of illustrations for children's books in Bratislava (one of the winners – the Soviet artist V. Golosov).

Scene №9

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Columbia - a Mass competition of children's drawing on the square in Bogota. (Participating children from different countries).

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