Science and technology № 7 (1971)

Newsreel №75728, 1 part, duration: 0:09:54
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:B.Slomyanskij,L.Galadzheva, L.Ostrovskij, Yu.Berenshtejn, A.Ziljbernik, Z.Feljdman
Camera operators:Ya.Revzin,Yu.Berenshtejn, A.Ziljbernik, Z.Feljdman, L.Galadzheva
Text authors:A.Ditrih


1. In the fluidized bed-about a new method of rock enrichment. 2. Cast web-about the method of obtaining the thinnest thread of micro wire, which is used in the manufacture of miniature devices. 3. At the Institute named after him. Bekhtereva-about experiments that allow you to influence different parts of the brain. 4. Crystals on request-about obtaining artificial crystals. 5. From toys to ships-about the exhibition of Yugoslav industrial products.

Reel №1

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1. In the fluidized bed.

A quarry for the extraction of minerals.

The crushed rock is sent for flotation (enrichment).

Laboratory of the Institute of Mining and Chemical Raw Materials.

Scientists consider the drawing of the new installation and the work of the laboratory model.

Operation of an experimental flotation machine.

Flotation machines in production.

2. Cast spider web.

A needle with a thread inserted.

A thin wire clamped with a clamp.

The glass tube is inserted into the inductor.

Instrument readings.

A metal rod is inserted into the glass tube.

Glass and metal melt - the thinnest thread of metal is born, dressed in glass.

The thinnest wire is wound on the coil.

Old appliance and appliance using micro filament.

Diplomas for the opening.

3. At the Institute named after him.


Monument to Pavlov's dog in Leningrad.

Laboratory of the Psycho-Neurological Institute.

A hungry cat is offered meat.

An electrical signal is sent to the center of the "hunger" and the feeling of hunger disappears.

A little alcohol is poured into the beaker.

The cat, thirsty, greedily drinks alcohol.

Alcohol is poured to the brim.

A cat lapping up alcohol.

Recorders write brain bio-currents.

Instruments in the laboratory.

4. Crystals on request.

Crystal display in the museum.

Laboratory of the Institute of Mineral Raw Materials Synthesis.

The mixture of silica and reagents is poured into a container.

The container is filled with membranes and seeds.

An alkaline solution is added to the container.

Geologists walk along the shore of a mountain lake.

Rock crystal and smoky quartz are taken out of the containers.

Artificial crystals on the table.

Industrial plant for the production of artificial crystals.

Large artificial crystals.

5. From toys to ships.

The girl in the dental chair.

Electric stove.

A stove that runs on petroleum products.

The girl puts the laundry in the washing machine.

Stand of household appliances at the exhibition.

Samples of furniture.

Children's toys.

Ship model.

Ship at the shipyard(photo).

Shop of the automobile plant.

Minibus on the observation deck.

Exhibition of industrial goods of Yugoslavia.

Locations: Moscow [820] Leningrad [848]

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