Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 10 (1959)

Newsreel №10704, 1 part, duration: 0:10:07, black-white
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Setkina I.
Camera operators:Kiselev V., Pankin L., Pogorelyj A., Aslanov G., Shlykov P., Piskarev K., Koroev H., Borodyaev U., Mikheev I.


Different subjects.

Temporary description:

City of Moscow. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Nikita Khrushchev and the British Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan sign the Soviet-British communiqué. Check out G. McMillan from Moscow. Speakers: Khrushchev, G. McMillan. Leningrad. Production processes at the Leningrad plant Kozitsky. Female employees at work. City Bakal. Streets. The deposits of iron ore. Works engineer excavator KP Shevkunova. City of Moscow. Exhibition of new furniture in a newly built house in Cheryomushki. Visitors inspect the furniture. Foreign news. Belgium. The demonstration of miners coalfield Borinage in connection with the closing of mines. Disperse the demonstrators. A meeting of miners in the area. Kabardino-Balkaria. Alpine Camp Shhelda. Alpinist VM Abalakov with his son during practice. Winter landscapes of mountains. City of Moscow. Lovers of winter swimming swimming in the icy water. Lithuania. Village Kurshyay. Masters of the production of folk musical instruments. The ensemble of Vilnius University, played on folk instruments. P. Finkelbert, R. Gabalis

Reel №1

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1. City of Moscow.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Nikita Khrushchev and the British Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan sign the Soviet-British communiqué.

Check out G. McMillan from Moscow.

Speakers: Khrushchev, G. McMillan.

2. Leningrad.

Production processes at the Leningrad plant Kozitsky.

Female employees at work.

3. City Bakal.


The deposits of iron ore.

Works engineer excavator KP Shevkunova.

4. City of Moscow.

Exhibition of new furniture in a newly built house in Cheryomushki.

Visitors inspect the furniture.

5. Belgium.

The demonstration of miners coalfield Borinage in connection with the closing of mines.

Disperse the demonstrators.

A meeting of miners in the area.

6. Kabardino-Balkaria.

Alpine Camp Shhelda.

Alpinist VM Abalakov with his son during practice.

Winter landscapes of mountains.

7. City of Moscow.

Lovers of winter swimming swimming in icy water (walruses).

8. Lithuania.

Village Kurshyay.

Masters of the production of folk musical instruments.

The ensemble of Vilnius University, played on folk instruments.

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