Comet goes into the ocean. (1975)

Documentary №50705, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:10
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:V. Rodivilin
Camera operators:I. Belov, S. Chernishev


The film tells the story of the flight of Soviet hydrofoil "Comet" in the countries of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Japan: Exit the ship into the ocean, the views of Singapore, ship in a stormy sea, views of the capital of the Philippines - Manila, drenched tropical rains, visit "Comets" Commander Navy Admiral Philippines Ruiz. Visiting the "Comet" southern islands of the archipelago - Iloilo. Meeting sailors with residents of Iloilo.

Reel №1

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General view of Tokyo, Mount Fuji.

Visiting Tokyo residents Soviet ship "Comet", a boat trip, talks with representatives of the company "Mayekava Trading".

Construction at the shipyard hydrofoil "Comet".

Key words

Maritime transport.
Economic ties.
Shipbuilding industry.
National life.

Reel №2

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