Orthodox encyclopedia (№ 21 ) 26.05.2012 (2012)

Telecast №75192, 1 part, duration: 0:25:50
Production: Pravoslavnaya Enciklopediya
Anchor:Uminskiy Aleksey


Helping the homeless.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Introductory speech by Priest Alexei Uminsky.

Tatiana Sveshnikova with foster children in 2004.

The Church of the Three Saints on Kulishki.

Family photo of the rector of the church, Archpriest Vladislav Sveshnikov.

The icon is in the apartment of Archpriest Tatiana's daughter.

Foster girls cook in the kitchen.

Textbooks for girls.

Alternating shots with girls' work around the house.

Demonstration of a recording of an interview with Tatiana Sveshnikova in 2004.

Photos of Tatiana with her adopted daughters on vacation.

Photos of grown-up girls.

Photos of Tatiana Sveshnikoy.

Alexey Uminsky's conversation with Tatiana Sveshnikova, the organizer of the movement "Kursk railway Station.

Homeless children".

Chronicle of 2004.

Filming of homeless children.

Homeless adults.

Volunteers gather homeless people on the street.

Groups of homeless people on the street.

Pedestrians on the streets.


There is a homeless man, a dog is running around.


A canteen for the homeless.

Alternating shots with the homeless.


Continuation of the conversation between Alexey Uminsky and Tatiana Sveshnikova, organizer of the movement "Kursk Railway Station.

Homeless children".

Interviews with homeless people in the hospital.

Volunteers helping the homeless.

Volunteers communicate with relatives of the homeless.

Recording of an interview in the 2004 program.

A volunteer talks about plans to help the homeless.

Volunteers bring food to the homeless in the hospital.

The rescue hangar.

Ilya Kuskov, an employee of the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service, tells.

Mom and child are walking in the park.

Memorial cross.

Continuation of the conversation between Alexey Uminsky and Tatiana Sveshnikova, organizer of the movement "Kursk Railway Station.

Homeless children".

Distribution of clothes to the homeless.

Yuri Monetov, a volunteer, tells us.

Photo of Yuri's wife.

Children of Nadezhda, Yuri's wife.

Streets of Moscow.

Warehouse of distribution of clothes to the homeless at the Moscow church of the Apostle James Zavadeev.

After working at the warehouse, when returning home, Yuri Monetov's wife was killed.

Photo of Nadezhda, Yuri's wife on the warehouse wall.

Wedding photo of Nadezhda and Yuri Monetov.

Other photos.

Continuation of the conversation between Alexey Uminsky and Tatiana Sveshnikova, organizer of the movement "Kursk Railway Station.

Homeless children".

Yaroslavsky railway station.

Volunteers of the movement "Old Age in joy" bring packages with things to the train.

A volunteer gets on a train to go to a nursing home.

Konstantin Sobolev, a student, a participant in the volunteer movement, tells.

Nina Dobina, an accountant and volunteer, tells us.

Anna Simanova, the editor of the site, tells.

Photo of a volunteer playing the accordion in a nursing home.

Grandma watches the volunteers from behind the doors of her room.

Alternating photos with elderly people when visiting nursing homes.

The final word of Alexey Uminsky.

Key words

Homeless people.
Old people.


Svyaschennik Aleksej Uminskij. Tatjyana Sveshnikova, organizator dvizheniya "Kurskij vokzal.Bezdomnie deti". Iljya Kuskov, sotrudnik Sinodaljnogo otdela po cerkovnoj blagotvoriteljnosti i socialjnomu sluzheniyu. Yurij Monetov, volonter. Konstantin Sobolev, student, uchastnik volonterskogo lvizheniya. Nina Dobina, buhgalter i volonter. Anna Simanova, redaktor sajta.

Calendar: 21.06.2012 2004

Locations: Moscow [820]

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