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"red army" newsreels and historical clips

Red Army 1919-1927

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:02, published: 5/11/2016

Scene №1 Red Army

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... train, sit on platforms Red Army.

Break the shell on the ground.

Used in ammunition wagon.

The texts of campaign posters.

Parts of the OGPU troops in the Kremlin during the parade, the military of the floor.

Parts of the OGPU troops on parade, with a podium is a military, Red Army soldiers listen to the ...

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... the speaker.

The conductor of a military band signals.

Red Army parade opens.

Pipes bugler.

Pass of the OGPU troops.

It takes part of the machine-gun.

There is a small unit, buglers blow.

Spectators welcome passing troops.

War with the girl in his arms.

Passes cavalry unit.

View Arc de Triomphe at the ...

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... leaders.

The maneuvers of the cavalry in the Khodynka field.

Cavalry units in service.

A car pulls up.

A speaker from the balcony in front of the Red Army, there are a number KE Voroshilov and SM Budyonny

It performs one of the military.

Participants of the meeting welcomed the troops standing on the ...




Political figures

Defense and internal security

Military exercises and maneuvers

Russian civil war


Defense and internal security





Society, social activities and community organizations

Social life

Parade of the Technical School of the Red Army command 1920-1924

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:09, published: 12/18/2014

Scene №1 Parade of the Technical School of the Red Army command

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Red Army

Maneuvers of the Red Army 1925

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:04:56, published: 3/18/2015


The plot of conduct summer field training in one of the units of the Red Army, the Red Army holiday.

Scene №1 Maneuvers of the Red Army

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... through the ford.

Red Army soldiers lie on the grass during a halt, reading the newspaper.

Red Army on the banks of the river are preparing for crossing water obstacles, rewind footcloths.

Division of the Red Army crossed the river ford.

Face of the Red Army.

The farmer talks with the Red Army.

Convoy to cross ...

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... cross the river, one of the carts stuck.

Red Army trying to pull out the jammed cart.

Outdoor kitchen goes to the beach.

Red Army put on the overturned wagon wheel.

Persons peasant children.

Playing a military band.

Hands striker, the striker plate.

Red Army soldier dancing with children.

Children clap ...

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... clap their hands in time to the music.

Red Army soldier dancing, people all around clapping their hands.

Faces of the children.

The baggage and cavalry are on the road.

Cavalrymen with peaks exercise cruising.

Cyclists in the field are engaged on homemade bikes.

Obozniki unhitch the horses.

Commanders ...

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... Commanders have a rest, sitting on the grass.

Meeting commanders.

Red Army cross the river in a boat.

Red Army soldiers on training sessions for shooting in the chain.



Military exercises and maneuvers

Defense and internal security


Scene №2

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Red Army during the holidays to help farmers cut the grass in the meadow.

Red Army soldiers mowed grass.

Cavalry patrol, armed with pikes, goes to watch.

Truck finishes overcome a ford, goes to the beach.

Small unit is sent to the field exercises.

Riders passing through the village street, stop at one ...

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... houses.

Red Army systems returned from field studies.

Village children play war, learn tactics.

From the farmhouse women go out with icons, for them there is a priest.

Platoon Horse Artillery promoted to field studies.

Above the gate house hanging slogan: "Long live our invincible Red Army".

Red Army soldiers ...



Military exercises and maneuvers

Defense and internal security


Red Army maneuvers 1925

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:01:00, published: 4/6/2021

Scene №1 Red Army maneuvers

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Military exercises and maneuvers

Defense and internal security


Scene №2

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Military exercises and maneuvers

Defense and internal security


Scene №3

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A soldier in a trench.


A military vehicle is driving along the road.

Explosions in the field.

Build the Red Army soldiers on the street.



Military exercises and maneuvers

Defense and internal security


Doctrine and Training in the Red Army 1940-1941

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:57, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 Doctrine and Training in the Red Army

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The teachings of the Red Army - Commanders at the observation point, the soldiers are fleeing the attack.

Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Rakov shows how mining students of the Military Academy.

S. Budyonny watching teachings.

On the plane jumping parachutists.


Red Army 1940-1941.

Relocation of the Red Army on the eve of World War II 1940-1941

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:33, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 Relocation of the Red Army on the eve of World War II

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Soldiers of Red Army units are loaded on the train.

Passing horse carts with guns.

The soldiers will ship military equipment to the railway platform.

The soldiers got into the van.

Commanders of the train.

Train rides with military vehicles.

Soldiers from teplushek waved.

Photos of the military Chief ...



Red Army 1940-1941gg.

The Red Army soldiers 1930-1939

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:09, published: 1/22/2014

Scene №1 The Red Army soldiers

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Armored locomotive.

Red Army soldiers ride on the train.

Field, pillars, fence

Red Army soldiers unload boxes.

Posters of the Red Army.

Red Army unit under the banner of the Kremlin.

Red Army commander on the background Ivan the Great Bell

Red Army soldiers stand in formation.

Red Army soldiers march to ...

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... Buglers.

Red Army soldiers march to the Kremlin.


Red Army soldiers march to the Kremlin.

Red Army man with a child.

Transport near the Arc de Triomphe in Moscow.

Red Army soldier on a horse.

Red Army on the carts.

Red cavalrymen.

Hiking Red Army unit.

Equestrian Red Army unit.

Red Army soldiers ...

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... soldiers driving car.

Beryia speaks to the Red Army soldiers.

Red Army soldiers listen the speech.

Soviet Ural Mountains № 38 70th anniversary of the October 1987

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:42, published: 6/2/2014

Reel №1

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The first years of Soviet power

Culture and Arts

Defense and internal security



Azin Vladimir Martinovic - one of the greatest revolutionists and a commander of the unit of Red Army during the Civil War.

Cultural and educational work in the Red Army 1928-1930

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:53, published: 3/18/2015

Scene №1 Cultural and educational work in the Red Army

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Red Army soldier stands at the window of a bookstore.

Red Army soldier walks into the store.

Red Army in bookstores, select and view the brochure.

Red Army in bookstores.

Red Army soldier-seller takes book from the shelf, it gives the buyer.

Red Army at the counter flipping book.

Reading Red Army club ...

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... newspaper while sitting at the big table.

Red Army commander playing with dominoes.

Red Army soldiers sit on the couch in the chess club section.

Playing musical instruments.

Red Army soldier reads an ad on the stand about signing up for a loan for a 1-year plan.

The Red Army is considered a poster on the top ...

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... top of the 1st Five Year Plan.

Fragment of the poster.

Red Army posters on the wall is considered a summer reading room.




Defense and internal security

Social life

USSR in the twenties 1920-1929

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:14:06, published: 1/22/2014

Scene №1 USSR in the twenties


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... Orchestra of the Red Army.

Formation of the Red Army.

People look for the Red Army.

Red Army soldier stands.

Red Army soldier on a background of the banner.

Red Army soldiers mow.

Red cavalrymen go through the village.

Truck with Red Army.

Hiking Red Army unit.

Red cavalrymen.

Hiking Red Army unit goes through ...

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... Children look at the Red Army.

Children playing in the war.

Parishioners and the priest go in procession.

Red Army unit.

Banner "Long live our invincible Red Army".

Villagers under the banner.

Red Army communicate with villagers.

The woman's face close up.

Demonstration with a banner.

Red Army soldier on a background ...

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... Mausoleum.

Speech of Krupskaya.

Turn to the Mausoleum.

Train rides.

Woman close up.

Red Army go.

Peasants smoking.

Farmers are on the platform.

Peasants eat.

Woman speech.

Man speech.

Turn to the Mausoleum.

Red Army soldiers.

People come out of the Mausoleum.

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