You found 186 newsreels for query "rituals"

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"rituals" newsreels and historical clips

Folk rituals 1975

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:10:14, published: 8/17/2022

Scene №1 Folk rituals

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Russian folk theater. Part One. Ritual games. 1974

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:37:55, published: 1/12/2017


Ancient rituals of the Russian people.

Reel №1


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... old clothes; mummers pushing each other in a mountain river.

Moldovan national ceremony "Malanka".

Dance, hand in hand, members of the ceremonial ritual.

Theatrical game show "Kostroma", performed by villagers Dorozhovo Bryansk region.

Participants representation (women) spin flax, weave cloth on ...


Holidays, customs and rituals Polessye 1990

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:58, published: 4/10/2023


The film tells about the ancient beliefs, superstitions, rituals and festivals, preserved in the villages Polessye.

Reel №1 Holidays, customs and rituals Polessye

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Autumn on Even 1991

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:34, published: 10/13/2013


Ethnographic picture of Evens - their life, rituals, traditions and problems of their conservation.

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Foreign newsreels № 2313 1970

News, 4 footages, duration: 0:10:21, published: 10/1/2013


World Cup.

Mexico - Mexico City Illuminated during the World Cup.

Mexican fans celebrate victory over the team of Belgium.

Mexico - The ancient ritual murals Chaguly.

Scene №4

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The ancient ritual Murals - chaguly.

The artist works.

Materials on the film "Indira Gandhi" 1987

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:18:18, published: 7/18/2019

Scene №2

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The prayers and rituals of various religious groups.

The upper world 1992

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:56, published: 2/28/2014

Reel №1 The upper world

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... tells the story of a small village in the Kosh-Agashinskom region of Altai region.

The film includes scenes: ancient wedding ceremony, mention, shaman ritual, making the national drink - araki.

V following filming the movie:

Part 1. Altai mountains landscape view of the village in the mountains, a shepherd ...

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... wood, fighting two boys, woman milks a mare, the villagers at the funeral, the shaman performs his ritual.

Preparing a wedding ceremony.

Part 2. Women prepare the bride, the shaman performs his ritual in the tent, the view of the burning fire, making the national drink - Araki, a general view of a wedding ...

Foreign newsreels № 2782 1971

News, 14 footages, duration: 0:18:31, published: 9/3/2021

Scene №7

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New Guinea is a traditional festival of ritual tribal dances.

Foreign newsreels № 1296 1966

News, 4 footages, duration: 0:08:08, published: 9/25/2014

Scene №1

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A ritual bath in the Ganges.

Scene №2

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Sale lekarskih potions (alternative medicine) in Johannesburg.

The new hospital.

African ritual of "King of the magicians."

Japan 1970-1989

Footage, 5 footages, duration: 0:17:48, published: 7/8/2021

Scene №2

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Geisha school.

Girls are taught the art of calligraphy and ritual dances.

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