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"water" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 1354 1966

News, 9 footages, duration: 0:09:38, published: 2/4/2014

Scene №2

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Kempbell D.M. -- British racer, the absolute world record holder for speed on water and on land.

Water 2001

Documentary, 2 films, duration: 0:21:23, published: 9/11/2013


A film about the properties of water, the processes committed in aqueous solutions, the quality of natural waters, the use of their man, and the problems of water purification.

Movie №1 Water

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The film is about the properties of water on the processes occurring in aqueous solutions, the quality of natural waters, the use of their man, and the problems of water purification.

Water. 1972

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:27:19, published: 6/15/2014


The film tells about the properties of water, the processes taking place in aqueous solutions, the quality of natural waters, the use of their human problems of water purification.

By order of the Central Vuzfilm lab out of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR.

Reel №1

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Mountain stream.

The ice in the ocean.

The spring flood.

Winter natural landscape.

Clouds cover the sun.

Ice "pancake" on the water.

The structure and properties of water.

Animation: the chemical elements of the periodic table.

Animation: the dependence of the boiling point of hydrogen compounds by ...

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... formation of water molecules.

Animation: the structure of the water molecule.

Layouts molecules and connections between them.

The structure of the ice.

Animation: ice crystals, snowflakes.

A piece of ice.

Melting of ice pieces in a Petri dish.

Animation: the structure of water.

The water in the glass ...

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... Freezing water at lower temperatures.

Chunks of ice.

Colorful flames.

Models of water molecules and the hydrogen bonds.

Pieces of ice falling into the glass and start to melt.

The structure of the ice.

The tube with the solution of paraffin wax and slices fall sink.

Animation: density of water at different ...

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... reservoirs.

Water boils in the flask on the fire.

Animation: break the hydrogen bonds between water molecules.

Pieces of ice melt and slide on a hot surface, then record shows the opposite direction.


Animation: the change in viscosity liquids at pressure changes.

Splashes of water.

Reel №2

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... on the petals.


Water rises along the ground.

Seagulls in the clouds.

Fishermen make their way by boat through the network.


Animation: the structure of water.

Solar patches of light on water.

Animation: the arrangement of atoms in a molecule, the shape of the water molecule, the charge distribution ...

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... distribution.

Water Properties: crystallization, melting, boiling.

Three-dimensional model of water.

Water - the chemical reagent.

Solar patches of light on water.

Bromobenzene in water emulsion.

Dissolving ionic compounds in water.

Scheme dissolution in water of a crystal salt.

Animation: the charge ...

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... experimental setup for the removal of water from the crystalline heat.

Experiments on the hydrolysis of salts (striping filming in the lab and animation).

EXAMPLE irreversible hydrolysis to release calcium hydroxide and acetylene.

Samples of rocks.

Three-dimensional model of water (blurred image).


Reel №3

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Preparation and purification of water.

Natural landscapes, watercourses.

Scientists in the boat taking water samples.

Various containers with water.

Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the amount of free oxygen in the water.

Flasks for sanitary-bacteriological experiments.

Apparatus for ...

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... for the purification of water by distillation.

Animation: the nightlife of a large city.

Forest on the banks of the river.

Scientist stirs the water in the flask.

Microorganisms in water under a microscope.

Operate wastewater treatment plants.

The water in the sump.

Animation: the settling of suspended ...

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... filtering.

Water flowing from the taps.

Plant equipment.

Laboratory experiments to determine the hardness of the water.

Steam boilers.

Animation: wet filter.

Birch Grove.

The dirt on the surface of ponds.

Control treatment facilities.

The wastewater treatment plant, the canal circling gulls.

Water goes into ...

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... into the drain.

Stages of water aeration.

Bacteria under the microscope.

Operate wastewater treatment plants.

Secondary clarifier.

Clear water in the pond.

Water purification from petroleum products.

Discharge of treated water into the reservoir.

Forest on the banks of the river.

Tidal bore.

The spring ...


Water sports 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:37, published: 6/9/2021

Scene №1 Water sports

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Our region № 49 1963

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:53, published: 10/16/2019

Reel №1

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Poddubnij A.G. -- doctor of biological Sciences, head of laboratory of ichthyology Institute of biology of inland waters USSR Academy of Sciences (ibw of Sciences of the USSR).

Ural Mountains' Video Chronicle № 3 Spring water. 2003

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:46, published: 8/22/2014

Reel №1

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River under the ice.

Spring break.

Staff MOE. Staff Meeting, led by Major-General V.F.Laktyuk.

Trucks in the water.

Transportation of people in a jeep.

Flooded park, a Ferris wheel.

Moose on sushi island.

Employees of Ministry of Emergency Situations out of the staff.

Alternation: MOE inspects the villages ...


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... her arms.

Alternation: house and farm N.Z.Chernovoy, flooded areas.

The man floats in a boat.

The woman at the gate waving to follow.

A stretch of water at the site of the road.

Road signs on a pole.

Tied to a pole boat.

View of the village from above.

Country road.

Flooded Village.

Retired V.I.Lavelin ...

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... the house.

Highway bridge.

Movement towards the village on a motor boat.

Dam on the river Sysert.

Senior Mechanical E.I.Sorokin regulates the water level.

The water passes through the dam. E.I.Sorokin and Deputy Chief Housing O.T.Murakaev on the dam.

The cows in the valley.

Spring creeks.

Natural landscapes ...

Water treatment. 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:06:48, published: 12/12/2015


Creating a new agent for water treatment - inhibitor.

The promotional film about the effectiveness of the inhibitor in various industries.

Reel №1

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Wet leaves, raindrops.

Black River MLT. The composition of the water.


The technology of water treatment IFL. The salt deposits on the tubes.


Conclusion salts from water in the form of slag.


Aquarium with fish.

Water-crossing 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:28, published: 11/10/2015


An educational film about the safety rules on water crossings

Reel №1

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Gulls in shallow water.

A motor ship on the river.

Different vessels on the river.

The court session.

Loading and unloading operations at the ferry.

Boarding passengers.

People go ashore from a small boat.

Several ships are moored at the pier at once.

The captain backs the ship.

Several people ...

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... ship before it stops.

One person could not jump to the pier and ended up in the water.

People are sitting on the open deck of the ship.

The motorist drops a homemade ladder - an ordinary board.

One person is in the water.

A gas cylinder is transported on a passenger ship.

The motorist takes out a gas ...

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... gas cylinder on the ladder, and passengers go to meet him.

A motorist with a balloon is in the water.

Loading of explosive cargo on a ship.

Loading of large containers.

Reel №2

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... passengers enter the ship.

From the waves of the oncoming vessel, the loose cargo shifted.

Panic on the ship.

People jump into the water.

The captain jumps overboard.

Gulls over the water.

A sunken ship.

Proper loading of the vessel.

Life jackets are in a special box.

A man smokes on a ship in a specially designated ...


Live Water 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:56, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1


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... carnations.

A man with a girl in his arms and a woman are listening; panorama of old women wiping tears.

Pioneers are singing a song about the life-giving water.

The Bell and the Glory Barrow in the village of Khatyn.

The memorial plate with the names of soldiers, perished during the war.

Graves of the Memorial ...


Reel №2


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... passing the Banner to the children, the children are ”attacking”.

Newsreel of 1941-1945:

Soldiers are walking in the snowstorm.

Soldiers are walking in water up to their knees

Soldiers are crossing the river ahorceback.

Soldiers are walking along the road.

Pioneers are in the bus, their guitars are standing ...


Water alphabet 1986

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:50, published: 1/14/2017

Reel №1

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Specialists OSVOD - the society of salvation on the water teach children in a playful form of swimming, rules for safe behavior on the water.

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