Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 2 (1955)

Newsreel №10191, 1 part, duration: 0:10:14, black-white
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Vertova E.
Camera operators:Sofin A., Konstantinov E., Ivanov B., Shironin K., Khavchin A., Vikhirev N., Golubov G., Semenov A., Khalushakov R.


Different subjects.

Temporary description:

1syuzh. - Suspension bridge across the Volga at Stalingrad hydroelectric station, the latest installation work. 2syuzh. - Plant them. Kalinina in Voronezh, in the design office designing the new press, runs the new 630-ton press. 3syuzh. - Working in a pigpen on the farm to them. Chkalov. 4syuzh. - Landscapes of the Gobi Desert. Gathering of rural youth from 160 countries in Vienna, speaking Semichastny. 6syuzh. - Premiere of the "Hamlet" at the Moscow Theater. Mayakovsky (employed artists Kirillov, Grigorieva, Samoilov, Babanova, staging Okhlopkova). 7syuzh. -Youth Christmas Ball in the House of Unions in Moscow, the performances of artists, New Year's ball in Vladimir Hall of the Kremlin, dancing youth.

Reel №1

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1. Suspension bridge across the Volga at Stalingrad hydroelectric station, the latest installation work.

2. Zavod im.

Kalinina in Voronezh, in the design office designing the new press, runs the new 630-ton press.

3. Work in a pigpen on the farm to them.


4. Landscapes of the Gobi Desert.

5. Gathering of rural youth from 160 countries in Vienna, speaking Semichastny.

6. The premiere "Hamlet" at the Moscow Theater.

Mayakovsky (employed artists Kirillov, Grigorieva, Samoilov, Babanova, staging Okhlopkova).

7. Youth New Year's Ball in the House of Unions in Moscow, the performances of artists, New Year's Ball in Vladimir Hall of the Kremlin, dancing youth.

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