Soviet warrior №1-1980 (1980)

Newsreel №13685, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:34 Black-white
Ramazina L.
Camera operators:
Gorbatskiy V., Izvekov V., Maksimov L., Minaev A., Mirumyan A., Maev V., Istomin A., Osipov I.


1 syuzh. - Says Brezhnev. Rally in the square. Soviet soldiers at the memorial, place flowers. Installation of tanks on the railway platforms. Sending echelon.
2 syuzh. - Chronicle: in the mountains are the German tanks, shooting guns and other soldiers on maneuvers in the mountains.
3 syuzh. - Ball in Nakhimovskom school. Christmas tree. Veteran SP Lisin tells young people about the meeting of the New Year in besieged Leningrad. New Year Celebrations at the frontier. Border guards on duty.


1 syuzh. - Says Brezhnev.
The rally in the square.
Soviet soldiers at the monument, laying flowers.
Installation of tanks on railway platforms.
Sending echelon. 2 syuzh. - Chronicle: the mountains are the German tanks, shoot guns, etc.
Soldiers on maneuvers in the mountains. 3 syuzh. - Ball in the naval school.
Christmas tree.
Veteran SP Lisin tells young people about the New Year in the besieged Leningrad.
New Year's Eve at the frontier.
Guards on duty.

Reel №1

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