Stars of Russia № 4 Sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov. (1992)

Newsreel №14727, 1 part, duration: 0:10:08
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Reznikov A.
Screenwriters:Reznikov A.
Camera operators:Gorbatskiy V., Ignatenko A.


On the work of sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov.

Temporary description:

The story about the sculpture B. fang. Sculptors girls sculptural group workshop of Klykov. B. Fang talks about himself, about his work (synchronous). Papers of Klykova: monuments S. Radonezh, Alexander Pushkin, the sculpture of Hermes statue Cyril and Methodius. B. Fang works in his studio.

Reel №1

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On the sculptor V. Klykova.

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