space environment (№ 238 ) 19.06.2019 (2019)

Telecast №101114, 1 part, duration: 0:06:22
Production: Studio Roscosmos

Reel №1

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Roscosmos at the Aerospace Forum in Le Bourget.

Interview: researcher of FSUE "TsNIIMash" Maria Danilova, General Designer of FSUE "TSENKI" Alexey Bogomolov.

The project of the NASA mission to the asteroid Psyche.

One line:

- Baikonur, Spektr-RG before launch;

- Vostochny, preparation of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle for launch, the Meteor-M spacecraft and 30 satellites from different countries will be put into orbit;

- Solar eclipse of July 2;

- A new book by cosmonaut Sergei Ryazansky;

- The automatic lunar station "Chandrayan-2" is preparing for a mission.

Chronograph: 70th anniversary of cosmonaut Yuri Baturin.

Astrophotography of the week: the Cave nebula in infrared light, on the shore with Mars, spiral galaxy M96.


Baturin Yu.M. - Doctor of Law, Professor, cosmonaut-researcher, Hero of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, public and political figure, member of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Bogomolov A.A. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, General Designer of FSUE "CENKI". Ryazansky S.N. -- pilot-cosmonaut, test cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation.

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