Highway Patrol issue from 28.05-29.05 (2000)

Telecast №103043, 1 part, duration: 0:09:22
Production: Highway Patrol

Reel №1

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Fatal accident on B.Kamenny bridge.

Three cars collided.

Mercedes, Volvo and Lada.

The body of the Volvo driver on the asphalt.

Mangled cars.

The driver of the Mercedes car (synchronously).

A police officer (synchronously).

Murder in an apartment building on Saratovskaya Street.

Entrance to the Tekstilshchiki metro station.

Flower tent.

The corpse of a woman in the kitchen.

The interior of the apartment where the murder took place.

A fatal accident on the Kiev highway.

Two Lada and Volga cars collided.

The dead driver and passenger of the Zhiguli car.

Rescuers remove the bodies of the dead from the car.

A mangled car.

One of the dead on the roadway.

Murder on the highway of Enthusiasts near the Hammer and Sickle factory.

Examination of the body of the murdered man.

A burnt-out car.

Photo of a missing man.

Locations: Moscow [820]

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