Highway Patrol issue from 11.09-12.09 (2000)

Telecast №103331, 1 part, duration: 0:12:21
Production: Highway Patrol

Reel №1

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An accident on the Ostashkovsky highway.

The Lada crashed into the Porsche.

The broken Lada.

An acquaintance of the driver of the Zhiguli car (synchronously).

An eyewitness (synchronously).

An accident on Novozavldskaya Street with a fatal outcome.

A MAZ car hit a pedestrian.

The body of the deceased pedestrian.

An eyewitness (synchronously).

Kadashevskaya embankment.

The car is in the river.

An eyewitness (synchronously).

Lifting the car out of the river.

Diver (synchronously).

An accident on the street of Heroes of Panfilov.

A Mazda and two Lada cars collided.

Damage to cars.

An acquaintance of the driver of the Mazda car (synchronously).

The driver of the Zhiguli car (synchronously).

A police officer (synchronously).

The duty station.

The detainees.

The detainee (synchronously).

An accident on Ryazan Avenue.

A garbage truck crashed into a KAMAZ truck.

An eyewitness (synchronously).

The damaged cabin of the garbage truck.

A sinkhole in the Dezhnev passage.

A grated and fenced-in sinkhole.

An accident in the Projected passage.

The Hyundai car crashed into the Renault.

A mangled Hyundai car.

An ambulance doctor (synchronously).

The car is on the lawn.

An accident on the Warsaw highway.

Four cars collided.

Body damage of collided cars.

Locations: Moscow [820]

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