Highway Patrol issue from 02.11-03.11 (1999)

Telecast №103476, 1 part, duration: 0:12:22
Production: Highway Patrol

Reel №1

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An accident on the highway Enthusiasts.

Colliding cars.

Road signs (speed limit, repair work, narrowing of the road).

Ambulance doctor (synchronously).

Driver (synchronously).

A police officer (synchronously).

A man's corpse was found in a parked car on Krasnodarskaya Street.

The body of a man lying near the car.

An accident in the 2nd Yuzhnoportov passage.

A passenger car crashed into a ZIL truck.

Mangled "Lada".

An eyewitness (synchronously).

Passage along the embankment.

The duty unit.


The detainee (synchronously).

Employee of the press service of the Department of Internal Affairs (synchronously).

Residential building on Volgogradsky Prospekt.


The body of a man.

There was a ground failure on Bolotnaya Square.

The resulting pit.

Lifeguard (synchronously).

An accident on the Novoryazanskoe highway.

Gazelle and MAZ minibus collided.

The broken Gazelle.

The driver of the car "MAZ".

Accident on Sretensky Boulevard.

The Volga car crashed into the concrete base of the ventilation shaft.

Injured driver (drunk)(synchronously).

An accident on the Leningrad highway.

Collision of two cars.

The "Give way" sign.

A fire on the territory of a construction site in Protopopovsky Lane.

The territory of the construction site.

An accident on the 3rd transport ring with a fatal outcome.

The Mercedes car crashed into the bump.

Deformed car body.

A police officer (synchronously).

Locations: Moscow [820]

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