Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 45 (1962)

Newsreel №11159, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, black-white
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Nebylickiy B.
Camera operators:Piskarev K., Grinenko I., Popov G., Osipov F., Vakurova A., Izmaylova M., Oshurkov M., Lichko A., Krylov A., Mikhaylov L., Serov G., Khavchin A., Epifanov G., Kazakov A.


Different subjects.

Temporary description:

City of Moscow. Inaugural Meeting of the 45 th anniversary of the October Revolution. Stands Kosygin. Military parade, gym parade, a demonstration on Red Square. On the platform members of the government. City of Moscow. Opening of the Moscow ring road. Cars passing on the highway. Cleaning of grain at the farm "Giant" Rostov region. Construction of oil pipeline "Druzhba". Laying pipe across. Plane in the air (Chronicle). Says the pilot BI Rossinskii. Employees of public order shall take the oath. Magadan Region. Work on the dredges. Washing of gold. City of Moscow. Concert of amateur members of trade unions in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Reel №1

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1. City of Moscow.

Inaugural Meeting of the 45 th anniversary of the October Revolution.

Stands Kosygin.

Military parade, gym parade, a demonstration on Red Square.

On the platform members of the government.

2. City of Moscow.

Opening of the Moscow ring road.

Cars passing on the highway.

3. Cleaning of grain at the farm "Giant" Rostov region.

4. Construction of oil pipeline "Druzhba".

Laying pipe across.

5. Plane in the air (Chronicle).

Says the pilot BI Rossinskii.

6. The police take oath.

7. Magadan Region.

Work on the dredges.

Washing of gold.

8. City of Moscow.

Concert of amateur members of trade unions in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

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