Different subjects
1 syuzh.
Awards Leonid Brezhnev, Kosygin and AY Pel'she.
2 syuzh.
The ceremonial meeting in Alma-Ata, devoted 25 years of virgin and fallow lands.
Newsreel - land development.
3 syuzh.
Work on Novodzhambulskom phosphoric factory.
All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the cable industry.
Test cable strength.
Member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR spinner Kursk industrial association Khimvolokno Kotova teaches young.
4 syuzh.
The meeting in the Kremlin commission for the International Year of the Child in the USSR.
Say NA Tikhonov. V. Nikolaeva-Tereshkova.
Farewell in Novorossiysk on 30-year-old ship "Vityaz".
Ships at sea.
International exhibition "The control of environmental pollution - 79" in a Moscow park Sokolniki.
Customers visiting the exhibits.
Florist GM Shimbaretskaya at work.
1. Awards Leonid Brezhnev, Kosygin and AY Pel'she.
2. The ceremonial meeting in Alma-Ata, devoted 25 years of virgin and fallow lands.
Newsreel - land development.
3. Working Novodzhambulskom phosphoric factory.
4. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the cable industry.
Tests cable strength.
5. Member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR spinner Kursk industrial association Khimvolokno Kotova teaches young.
6. The meeting in the Kremlin commission for the International Year of the Child in the USSR. Say NA Tikhonov. V. Nikolaeva-Tereshkova.
7. The last flight of the ship "Vityaz".
8. International Exhibition of Environmental Protection - 79 "in Moscow's Sokolniki Park.
Customers visiting the exhibits.
9. Florist GM Shimbaretskaya at work.