Around the USSR № 200 Soviet-Danish cooperation (1984)

Newsreel №14274, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:12
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Fomina Z.
Camera operators:Lovkov V.


K / focus on the story of the development of friendship and the cooperation of the USSR and Denmark in the various fields of economy, science and culture.

Reel №1

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Denmark Bay, a monument to "The Little Mermaid", the bay boat rides.

View of Copenhagen; Report on the streets of the city.

Fountain and statue in the square.

On the bike rides a woman with a child.

Town Hall Square.

House of Friendship Society "Denmark-USSR".

Showcase House of Friendship, books on display.

A sign on the building in Danish.

Head of the Central Board of the well-known public and political activist lawyer Hermud Lanung, awarded the Order of "Friendship of Peoples" in his office, talks about his trip to the USSR.

Photo: young F. Lanung; polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen; People helping the young Soviet republic.

Newsreel 20-ies: there is a freight train, people on the platform; unloading train with firewood; People on the streets of Moscow.

Address Moscow's plans.

Kalinin Prospekt.

Passers-by on the streets.

Red Square.


All in the Mausoleum (mostly foreigners); inscription "Lenin" on the Mausoleum.

Foreigners photographed.

The Kremlin wall.


Basil's Cathedral.

Fotovitrina Soviet National Exhibition in Belatsentre (the main exhibition hall of Copenhagen).

Exhibits - Photos for production and others.


Photo Yuri Gagarin.

Installation of exhibits.

Newsreel 60-ies: Yuri Gagarin stay in Denmark: dockers welcome Yuri Gagarin, greet him, applauding, Yuri Gagarin smiles, greets workers.

Newsreel 1972: AN. Kosygin and his entourage arrived in Denmark, Copenhagen City Hall, talk to a member of the Danish Government.

Flag waving in front of the exhibition in Moscow.

Danish Prime Minister Jorgensen Danish exhibition opens.

Fluttering flags of different countries.

Hall of the Moscow International Exhibition "Agriculture-84" (appearance).

Greenhouse complex to grow vegetables at the farm "Marfino" (Moscow), created in collaboration with Danish firms; girl collects cucumbers.

People on the boulevard.

A poster on the building where the Moscow International Book Fair.

Pavilion exhibition inside, visitors at the exhibition.

Stand with Danish books.

Books G.-H. Andersen.

Street Danish Odense.

Children on the street.


The street outside the house where he lived Andersen.

Room in the house-museum of Hans Christian Andersen.

Paintings on the wall.

Exhibition of illustrations Soviet artist Oskar Klever to Andersen's fairy tales.

The boy looks at the big picture.

Key words

USSR - Denmark

Locations: Moscow [820] Denmark [60]

Reel №2

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Copenhagen shop "Sputnik", people look book.

Sightseers in the Hermitage in Leningrad.

Portrait of a Woman, and others.


Danish sculptor Thorvaldsen sculpture.

Pictures of tourist from Denmark.


Isaac's Cathedral.

Out of the bus Danish tourists.

Canal and its embankment; people go on the bridge.

Boys fish sitting on the waterfront.


Children in kindergarten dancing, playing the tambourine; Danish tourists looking to laugh, play with children.

Children give guests souvenirs.

Danish tourists in front of the Moscow State University Lomonosov monument.

Young people on the steps in front of the Moscow State University, rise.

Photo: Danish physicist Niels Bohr and the Soviet physicist Lev Landau.

The House of Friendship, rides the bus.

Meeting of members of the friendship society "Denmark-USSR" and "Soviet-Denmark"; the signing of the next plan of cooperation societies.

Bus rides on the streets of Copenhagen, Soviet tourists on the bus.

Landscapes Denmark.

Travel across the bridge.

Ferry in the sea.

Photo: The Island of Bornholm, port; monument to Soviet soldiers in Denmark with the inscription: "Eternal glory to the heroes Russian"; Soviet soldiers; Soviet and Danish officers shake hands; Soviet sailors on the deck of a warship.

Baltic Sea.

Representatives of the tourist group USSF and Ukrainian Friendship Society are on the streets of Copenhagen.

Danish representatives greet guests from the Ukraine; dinner in honor of the guests in the House of Friendship.

Singer N. Shopsha sings in Ukrainian "I marvel at the sky."

Those listening.

Plays accordion.

Ukrainian dance artists in national costumes.

Danes applaud.

Poster for the performance of Soviet artists, made H. Bidstrup.

Winner of the International Lenin Prize "for peace between peoples" Danish artist Herluf Bidstrup in his office at work.

The anti-war posters Bidstrup.

Preparation of the exhibition of posters "Art for Peace" in Aarhus.

Visitors to the exhibition of children's drawings.

Children's drawings and applications.

The demonstration in Copenhagen against nuclear war - go with posters.

Peace march in Moscow rally: hold posters "Peace to Your Home", "No - the arms race."

Woman with child.

Kids on the Boulevard.

Little girl on a bicycle.

Locations: Leningrad [848] Moscow [820] Denmark [60]

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