Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 34 Friendly meeting. (1985)

Newsreel №14316, 1 part, duration: 0:09:47, black-white
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Andreev A.
Camera operators:Baykov V., Batrak A., Ivlev U., Filatov I., Khodyakov V.


Different subjects.

Temporary description:

1syuzh. -Meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party of J. Batmönkh. 2syuzh. - Party meeting at the Moscow plant "Rubber. 3syuzh. - Northern Pipe Plant. 4syuzh. - The crew of the Tomsk river port. 5syuzh. - Cooperation of Latvian collective farm "Uzvara" with the Institute of Microbiology them. A. Kirhenshteyna.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. Meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party of J. Batmönkh.

2. Party meeting at the Moscow plant "Rubber".

3. Seversky Tube Works.

4. Crew Tomsk river port.

5. Cooperation of Latvian collective farm "Uzvara" with the Institute of Microbiology them. A. Kirhenshteyna - new kormokompleks.

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