Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 2 Sad story. State Farm prints money. What's new with you. (1988)

Newsreel №14614, 1 part, duration: 0:10:06
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Derbysheva L.
Camera operators:Petraytis A., Voronov V., Pchelkin S., Kuzmin V.
Text authors:Ponomarev S.


Different subjects

Temporary description:

The introduction of automatic machines for knitting stockings, set up in Vitebsk Technological Institute of Light Industry. The introduction of a check payment system in the farms of Kalmykia. Cleaning grain on the farm fields, "Steppe". Cattle, sheep. Job cooperative cafe in Vilnius.

Reel №1

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1. The problems of the introduction of automatic machines for knitting stockings, set up in Vitebsk Technological Institute of Light Industry.

2. The introduction of a check payment system in the farms of Kalmykia.

Cleaning grain on farm fields, "Steppe".

Cattle, sheep.

3. Job cooperative cafe Stiklyay "in Vilnius.

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