Presentation and prize drawing, timed for the film festival "Kinotavr" (1996)

Footage №21535, 1 footage, duration: 0:55:24

Scene №1 Presentation and prize drawing, timed for the film festival "Kinotavr"

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Sochi circus Arena.

Performance of "Pesnyary" (the song "For half an hour until the spring," "Pidmanula-pidvela").

Applause, bows artists.

Leonid Yakubovich in the scene.

Conducts performance.

From the audience comes in the form of Vladimir Mashkov "new Russian".

On stage, Alexander Rozenbaum, sings the song "La Valse Boston", "Duck Hunt".

Leonid Yakubovich is Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Mordjukova Nonna, Gregory Chukhrai.

Hall of applause, chanting "Bravo."

Matthew gives the actors Ganapolsky flowers.

Zinovy ​​Gerdt, N. Mordjukova with flowers.

Soloists of the "Na-Na" give the actors flowers.

Performance of "Na-Na" (the song "Faina" (in English)).

Leonid Yakubovich in the arena, announces to the audience.

Trainer with a monkey in the arena.

Yakubovich is the arena Natalia Fateeva.

Play for a prize from the chest.

From the trunk take out a python.

N. Fateev with python.

Emerges from the trunk, Vladimir Mashkov.

Yakubovich causes the viewer from the audience - the winner of the drawing vehicle.

The winner in the car "Mercedes" in the scene.

At the scene of a camel leaves Mark Rudinstein, sings a song.

Dismount from the camel, the hall laughing.

M. Rudinstein appeals to the audience, welcome to the stage actors.

N. Mordjukova, HOST, J. Arlazorov, NV Fateev, S. Svetlichnaya, S. Makovetsky, I. Ugolnikov, V. Mashkov, Z. Gerdt, B. Bruno, G. Danelia, A. Weiner, M. Kokshenov, G. Polish and others entering the arena.

M. Rudinstein performed the hymn "Kinotavr".

Key words

Film Festival


N. Mordyukova, M. Ganapoljskij, Ya. Arlazorov, N. Fateeva, S. Svetlichnaya, S. Makoveckij, M. Rudinshtejn, I. Ugoljnikov, V. Mashkov, Z. Gerdt, B. Brunov, G. Daneliya, G. Chuhraj, A. Vajner, M. Kokshenov, G. Poljskih, A. Yakubovich, S. Govoruhin.

Calendar: May 1996

Locations: Sochi

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