Karpov in Finland (1990-1991)

Footage №25771, 1 footage, duration: 0:20:24

Scene №1 Karpov in Finland

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Editorial plans Oulu - transport on the streets, buildings, people on the streets.

Oulu City Hall.

Coat of arms.

Street, passers-by.

Are women - wipers.

Empty hall Hall, tables spaced them chessboards.

Brochure "Anatoli Karpov Suomessa" ("Anatoly Karpov in Finland").

Street, pedestrians, vehicles, and buildings.

Interviewed by the Finnish authorities.

In the entry hall Karpov, talks with a reporter (synchronous) - talks about the cycle of their performances, organized the Chess Federation of Finland.

Press conference Karpov.

Take photos and TV reporters.

Oulu - reportage plans: buildings, streets, transportation, people on the streets.


Karpov A. -- grandmaster

Calendar: 1990-1991

Locations: Finland [76] Oulu

Seasons: Spring [825] Day [828] Sunny [831] Cloudy [832]

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