Foreign newsreels № 4536 (1975)

News №29851, 7 footages, duration: 0:11:14

Temporary description:

Germany - Frankfurt Book Fair. The awarding of the German Book Trade French publicist Alfred Grosser. The Book of Muhammad Ali "The Greatest". Germany - Competition "Film Review" in Mainz. Meeting of cinema. Display frames of the movies - a retrospective. Award for the best film. Poland - Warsaw Days in Moscow. Industrial Exhibition. Demonstration fashion. Moscow, Sept. Poland - Construction krupn6ogo water pool in the valley of the Dunajec. Poland - 700th anniversary of the city Haynitse. Newsreels: Destruction from the beginning of World War II. Restoration of the city. The development of the industry. Poland - The problem of the destruction debris. The use of recycled materials in the GDR, special boxes for the collection of glass in the Netherlands. Using trash to build expensive in England.

Scene №1

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Scene №2

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Scene №3

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Scene №4

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Scene №5

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Scene №6

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Scene №7

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