Soviet Ural Mountains № 37 (1977)

Newsreel №3464, 1 part, duration: 0:10:15
Production: Sverdlovsk newsreel studio
Camera operators:V.Monastirskij, A.Krugovih, A.Trifonov, R.Lyaginskov, K.Duplenskij


Sixtieth October - powered work. Pervouralsk. 2. Director Ptitsegrada. Tyumen. 3. Ginseng. Sverdlovsk. Essay on S.Syromyatove which grew in his garden ginseng and noted 102 years. 4. Meeting in the Czech lands. 5. Sanatorium? Kisegach. " Chelyabinsk.

Reel №1

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1.Shop Pervouralsky novotrubny plant.

Dispatch control center.

2. Pioneers present flowers to S.M. Nikulin.

The girl ties a pioneer tie to the guest of honor.

Orders and medals of Nikulin.

S. Nikulin in a circle of guys.

Photos of S.Nikulin from different years.

Honorary certificates of S.Nikulin.

Meeting with the director.

Packaging of eggs at a poultry farm.


S.Nikulin in the field.

S. Nikulin at the construction site.

3. Delegation of creative workers of the Sverdlovsk region in Czechoslovakia.

Ballerina L.Sokolova.

Types of Pilsen.

The Ural Hotel in Pilsen.


Charles Bridge.

Monument to the fallen soldiers.

Military cemetery.

The delegation lays flowers on the grave of a Soviet soldier.

Concert on an open stage.

4. Rural landscape.

An old man in an apiary.

Long-lived S. Syromyatov in his garden.

Syromyatov washes the root of zhen-shen.

Zhen-shen in the garden of Syromyatov.

The nursery of Zhen-shen.

S. Syromyatov with fellow villagers.

5. The building of the sanatorium "Kisegach".

The territory of the sanatorium.

The dining room of the sanatorium.

Meeting of doctors.

The doctor changes the patient's blood pressure.


The beach of the sanatorium.

Locations: Sverdlovsk region [803] Tyumen region [809] Czech Republic [59] Chelyabinsk region [811]



Seasons: Summer [824]

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