Foreign newsreels № 1122 (1965)

News №36718, 11 footages, duration: 0:15:01

Scene №1

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Aerial bombardment of Vietnam by U.S. aircraft.

Injured in the hospital.



Dead children.

U.S. soldiers.

Are killed.

Vietnamese cook outdoors.




Metallurgical Plant.

Vietnamese soldiers.

Key words

Vietnam War

Calendar: 1965

Locations: Vietnam [240]

Scene №2

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Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the victory over fascism in the MPR (Mongolia).

Opening of the exhibition of posters dedicated to World War 2.

A solemn meeting in the hall.

Speech Yu.

Tsedenbala and other Mongol leaders at the rally.

Laying a wreath.

Meeting with members of the Mongolian veterans of the Soviet delegation.


Key words



Cedenbal Yu.

Locations: Ulan Bator (MPR)

Scene №3

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Start of the American spacecraft "Gemini-5" August 21, 1965 from Cape Canaveral.

Crew - G.Kuper, Ch.


Key words

The "Gemini"


Kuper G. -- American astronaut Konrad Ch. -- American astronaut

Locations: USA

Scene №4

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Arrival of the ship with the U.S. military in South Vietnam.

Locations: Vietnam [240]

Scene №5

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Reports from the Chandigarh (India).

People on the streets.

Population on bicycles.

Bicycle parking.

Agricultural work.

Construction work.

New homes.


Key words

Architect Le Corbusier

Locations: Chandigarh (India)

Scene №6

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Distribution of food to residents of Los Angeles (after the uprising).

Locations: Los Angeles (USA)

Scene №7

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Scene №8

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Scene №9

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Scene №10

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Scene №11

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