The signing of the protocol on the exchange of goods between the USSR and Cuba.
Press conference.
Key words
USSR - Cuba
Rally in Havana.
Speech by Fidel Castro and other speakers.
Kastro F.
Locations: Havana (Cuba)
Events on the Bay of Pigs.
Calendar: 1961
Locations: Cuba [57]
Consequences of the terrorist attacks of militants of the ultra nationalist organization CCA.
Locations: Paris (France)
CCA Actions ultra-right organization in Algeria.
Locations: Algeria [4]
The strike at the airport in London.
Locations: London (United Kingdom)
Political demonstration in London.
Police crackdown on demonstrators.
England's Queen Elizabeth II.
Elizaveta II
Locations: London (United Kingdom)
The trial of Hans Josef Maria Globke in the GDR.
Key words
Calendar: 1963
Locations: GDR [849]