The film tells about the work of archaeologists who discovered the life of the ancient world, the unique findings to suggest the connection of ancient civilizations, the former territory of modern Central Asia and Greece.
The Art of Classical Greece, the Greek archaeologist latest findings Andronikasa related to the history A. Great, beginning of the Hellenistic era.
Tajik monument Takht-Sangin - an example of an ancient monument of the Hellenistic Greco-Bactrian kingdom.
Key words
Sarianidi V.I. -arheolog, doktor istoricheskih nauk, inostrannij chlen Nacionaljnoj akademii dei Linchei, chlen Antropologicheskogo obschestva Grecii, pochyotnij akademik Akademii Turkmenii. ANDRONIKAS m. -Grecheskij arheolog, professor Aristotelevskogo universiteta v Salonikah.
Calendar: 1988
Locations: Greece [87]
A golden wreath.
Archaeologists at the grave of King Philip.
The fresco.
Archaeologists at the site where there was a theater in which Philip was killed.
Map of the empire of Alexander the Great.
Profile of Alexander the Great on the coin.
Greek coins.
Camel caravan at the camp (Tajikistan).
The excavations of Takhti-Sangin are an example of a Hellenistic monument of the ancient Greco-Bactrian kingdom.
The head of the expedition I.R.Pichikyan.
The excavation.
Archaeologists at work.
An ancient altar.
Gold miniatures found during excavations.
Camel riders.
Pichikyan I.R. - doktor istoricheskih nauk, bolee 20 let kopavshij na yuge Tadzhikistana hramovij kompleks Tahti-Sangin. Nachaljnik ekspedicii.
Locations: Greece [87] Tajikistan [215]