Native Land № 9 (1985)

Newsreel №44793, 1 part
Production: Rostov-on-Don newsreel studio
Availability:Film hasn't been digitized
Director:V. Gessk
Camera operators:S. Epshtejn
Other authors:Tekst - M. Sapozhnikov.

Reel №1

Production processes in plants Balabanovo woodworking plant in Kaluga region.

View of the device for the production of wood chips from wood waste, constructed engineer A. Biryukov.

Technological processes of cement production in the workshops of the Bryansk cement plant.

In cement kiln operates leader-production N. Anisin.


Director Bryansk Gidrometeobyuro Grishin with employee conduct surveillance on the river before the spring floods.

Fragments from amateur video Grishina "If you want to be a walrus"; fans of winter swimming "walruses" bathe in the hole.

Key words

Wood industry.
Construction industry.
Water Sports.

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