Time № 9 (1978)

Newsreel №44956, 1 part
Production: Rostov-on-Don newsreel studio
Availability:Film hasn't been digitized
Director:L. Mazruho
Camera operators:Ternovoj

Reel №1

Construction of Novo-Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant.

Installation of blast furnace shop.

The theme is the captain of militia NE Zaborovsky.

Lipetsk region.

Usman district.

The police department.

Police inspector NE Zaborowski in the raid on the site.

Policemen ride in the wagon, walking down the street, talking to teenagers and children.

Lipetsk region.

Settlement Leo Tolstoy (Astapovo).

The house-museum of Leo Tolstoy.

The museum's exhibits.

Key words


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