Science and technology № 5 (1989)

Newsreel №55007, 1 part, duration: 0:09:13
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Shkarina V., Chubakova G., Pokrovskij E., Sudejkin V., Vladikina E.
Screenwriters:Massovich Ya., Pokrovskij E., Ryabinina G., Vladikina E
Camera operators:Oljshevskaya E., Pokrovskij E., Sudejkin V., Blyumkin L.


1. "Do you know what?" On the discovery of the 110th element of the periodic table. 4. "Attention: we are under the ages!" On the experience of the Tbilisi New Archeology Museum.

Reel №1

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