The work of the press center XXIII MIFF (2001)

Footage №56402, 4 footages, duration: 0:04:46

Scene №1 The work of the press center XXIII MIFF

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Press center of the festival in the Moscow Manege.

MIFF ticket service representative talks about the system of tickets.

Key words

Film Festival

Calendar: 2001

Locations: Moscow Manezh

Scene №2 Press Service International Film Festival XXII

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The representative of the press service of the festival talks about his work.

Calendar: 2001

Locations: Moscow Manezh

Scene №3 Journalist Press Center MIFF talks about his work

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Journalist press center talks about the services MIFF.

Calendar: 2001

Locations: Moscow Manezh

Scene №4 Ticket Service MIFF XXIII

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Moscow Manege.

Stand ticket service festival.

People get tickets.

Cafe Press Center Festival.

Key words

Film Festival

Calendar: 2001

Locations: Moscow Manezh

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