Fox Toenende Wochenschau № 45 (1935)

Newsreel №56577, 1 part, duration: 0:11:16
Production: Foks

Reel №1

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1. Funeral Gauleiter Wilhelm Reich and Leper.

Germany, Dessau.

The funeral procession.

The coffin, wreaths.

Behind the coffin is Hitler with his entourage.

The coffin was set on a pedestal, a guard of honor.


Farewell salute.

A minute of silence.

Coffin are entered into the tomb. 2. Going swimming.

For the sixth time in the waters of foreign countries coming out of Wilhelmshaven cruiser "Emden" under the command of Captain Bachman.

View of the cruiser and the mourners.

Sailors say goodbye to their families.

Raising the German flag.

The captain makes a speech to the team.


The cruiser sails away.

3. Flooding in the Far East.


Flooded village, a bridge, a high level of water.

The streets of Tokyo.

Machinery, cyclists in the water. 4. Athens celebrate the monarchy.

Olympic Stadium.

The participants reaffirmed their loyalty to the king.

The king and the retinue, the members of the suite Regent Konvilis.

Government platform. 5. Women deltaplaniristy.

Women carved glider.

The officer teaches women to deal with the glider.

Hang-glider taking off in flight. 6. Doctrine above the clouds.

Planes taking off.

Aircraft above the clouds. 7. Military operations in Abyssinia.

The Italian army occupies Abyssinian "holy city" of Axum.

The Italian army enters the city.

Government buildings hung an Italian flag.

Town Square.

Negus simulates the firing of guns on the enemy.

Negus in the car, troops enthusiastically welcome it.

Residence King in Addis Ababa.

The king on the throne under the tent.

Representatives of numerous tribes express their loyalty to the king.

The parade of soldiers.

The king on the throne. 8. The opening of the week of the book in Weimar.


On the podium Goebbels.


Locations: Germany [84] Japan [112] Greece [87] Abyssinia

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