On the wide Volga № 31 (1983)

Newsreel №58168, 1 part, duration: 0:09:31
Production: Kazan newsreel studio
Camera operators:Zolondinov E., Morozov N., Aristov K.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. TASSR. "There will be a memorial.

Statement by the First Secretary of the Tatar regional party Committee GU-measure of Ismagilovich Usmanov at a meeting dedicated to the laying of the capsule branch of the Central tion of the Museum. V. I. Lenin.

2. TASSR. "The house Windows in tomorrow."

Workers receive keys from new apartments built Youth housing complex (YHC) in the street Adoratsky, 18 of the city of Kazan.

Holiday Sabantuy.

3. TASSR. "Fish shop chemists".


The water treatment plant of the production Association "Nizhnekamskneftekhim".

4. TASSR. "Non-woven tapestry".

Lala M. Cellural with students.

An exhibition of tapestries.

5. TASSR. "The law and discipline."


The state automobile Inspectorate.

Head of Department of GAI of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Tatarstan Kamalov R. H. the police catch the offenders.

Police major Yuri A. Platonov and freelance policeman Ravil inaguration of taking the exams.

Locations: TASSR

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