Recollecting Chkalov (1967)

Documentary №6387, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:56, black-white
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Availability:Film hasn't been digitized
Director:Lisakovich V.
Screenwriters:Dobrodeev B.
Composers:Gedravichus L.
Anouncers:Ulyanov M.


About life and activity of Valery Chkalov, an aviator, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Temporary description:

Photos of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Pilot VPTchkalov. Newsreel. VP Chkalov, GF Bajdukov and AV Belyakov, before non-stop flight from Moscow to Udd Island. Directions VPTchkalov, GFBajdukov and AVBeljakov in cars on the streets of Moscow after the flight. On passing cars drop leaflets. USA. The American people welcomed VPTchkalov, AV Belyakov, GFBajdukov after the flight from Moscow to America via the North Pole. VP Chkalov with relatives, fishermen on the river Volga, with farmers, workers, pioneers. Rewarding VPTchkalov. Funeral VPTchkalov. Run the model aircraft, gliders, parachutists jumping from an airplane. Plane in the air perform aerobatics.

Reel №1

Portrait of a Soviet pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union VP Chkalov - CU., Hitting.

Model aircraft take to the pitch with the airplane models - LS.

The boy is preparing to fly model aircraft - CU.

Model aircraft in the air - LS.

Boy jumping with a parachute from a tower in a park.

Young glider pilots, the pilots made its first flight - MS., CU., LS.

Tram driver makes with the inscription "Tushino".

Aviaparada at Tushino airfield - LS., MS., CU.

Builders suggest a pontoon bridge on the Moscow River for approaching Tushino airfield.

Spectators at the airfield during aviaparada - LS., CU., MS.

Planes in the air - LS.

Parachutists in the air - LS.

Land paratroopers - MS.

The boy looks at flying planes - CU.

Newsreel 30's.:

Chkalov - CU.

Pictures VP Chkalov - CU.

Newsreel 30's.:

Aircraft in the air performs aerobatics - LS., MS.

The plane swoops - LS.

Land (with diving plane) - LS.

Legs pilots in fur boots - CU. PNRM.

VP Chkalov, navigator AV Belyakov, pilot GF Baidukov before the non-stop flight of the USSR - America via the North Pole - CU.

Airplane - PNRM., LS., CU.

Single-engine plane takes start.

Animation: schema migration.

Newsreel 30's.:

Aircraft in the air - LS.

Meeting VP Chkalov, AV Belyakov, GF Baydukova have committed non-stop flight in America.

VP Chkalov and his wife and son, Alexander Whites and GF Baidukov, returned to Moscow from America, passing through the streets of Moscow, Muscovites showered leaflets machine - LS., MS.

Volzhane meet the Hero of the Soviet Union VP Chkalov in his homeland on the Volga.

VP Chkalov with his mother.

Chkalov among fishermen.

Photos meetings VP Chkalov with Tolstoi, Moskvin, poet Kamenskii

VP's wife Chkalov Olga Erazmovna tells about the pilot, reads his letters (synchronously).

MI Kalinin presenting the Order VP Chkalov.

Newsreel 30's.:

VP Chkalov - different.

VP Chkalov and his wife, A. Whites for a while.

Christmas Ball - LS., MS., CU.

Newspapers reported on the death of VP Chkalov in December 1938 - CU.

Newsreel 30's.:

The coffin of VP Chkalov in the Hall of Columns.

People saying goodbye to VP Chkalov.

The honor guard at the tomb.

Reel №2

Newsreel 30's.:

Farewell to VP Chkalov in the Hall of Columns - LS.

VK Kokkinaki, GF Baidukov and others in the honor guard at the tomb of VP Chkalov.

Animation: a single-engine airplane is flying over the North Pole, the Arctic.

Americans enthusiastically welcome VP Chkalov, AV Belyakov, GF Baydukova.

His wife, son and relatives at the tomb VP Chkalov.

Raskova guard at the tomb VP Chkalov - CU.

Removal of urns with ashes VP Chkalov.

Parade of soldiers in the Red Square in memory of VP Chkalov.

Farewell gun volley.

The American people welcome VP Chkalov, AV Belyakov, GF Baydukova.

Arrival VP Chkalov, Belyakov, Baidukov to Moscow from America - LS.

Our people on the platform, in the square at the Belarus station - LS.

Relatives and friends kiss heroes.

Greeted with flowers on Gorky Street.

VP Chkalov and his wife and son, passing on Gorky Street.

The people on the street, on balconies and in windows, on car rides heroes fall flyers.

Children welcome the heroes on the street - CU., MS.

VP Chkalov speech (synchronously).

OE Chkalov said of her husband (synchronously).

Pictures VP Chkalov - CU.

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