Shooting biggest sensations (Moments of terror) (1939)

Footage №66381, 1 part, duration: 0:08:21, black-white
Director:Seriya "Priklyucheniya operatora kinohroniki"

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

SShA.Na mine deep drilling.

Fire on the oil rigs, oil burning tank.

Firefighters are trying to fight the fire.

The operator removes a fire in the vicinity.

The explosion of oil, people run from towers

SShA.Shtormovaya wave


The strike and the struggle with the striking police.

Mounted police disperse a crowd in front of the police beating a woman with a horse.

On the pavement people are whipped.

The fight with the police, the police beat people with batons



Political demonstrations.

Crowd walking on the street.

Police beat demonstrators with batons.

Man falls into the road.

The crowd stops the car, pulls the driver and the car flips.

Street fight


The strike automobile factory, factory strikers hit the window, let smoke bombs.

The fight against strikers

SShA.Zabatovka working textile mill in Rhode Island.

Strikers beat the windows, throwing stones.



Go truck with boxes.

The accident on the road


Go truck with boxes.

The accident on the road

SShA.Metanie knives blindfolded the girl at the switchboard

SShA.Iskusnaya archery at the target.

Before sitting target devshuka, derdzhit mouth inflated balloon.

A man shoots a bow, an arrow hit by a ball, then throws an arrow an apple from the head of the girl


The man with the number-throwing tomahawks.

He throws them into a girl at the switchboard, tomahawks knock straps dress, falls, the girl in a bathing suit.

Then comes a demonstration of throwing ax picks

SShA.Akrobaty on board, launched from the roof of a skyscraper perform a dance

SShA.Avtomobilnye race, an accident on the track, on the road

SShA.Muzhchina blindfolded throws horseshoe through the ring, which holds girl horseshoe falls for her column

SShA.Dressirovannaya dog standing on one foot on the host hand, the owner throws her dog falls on the front foot to his hand.

Stand on the tail rack ,, dog owner hands on a finger


Along the path are Indians in national dress.

Taming the bull, he throws the rider, it tramples


Bullfighting arena with spectators.

Bull tramples bullfighter

SShA.Zhensky boxing

Key words

US, mine, oil industry, fire workers, fire protection
US storm
US strike, police, women, people
US, France, the demonstration, people, cars, police
US strike, workers, industry
US strike, workers, industry light, police
US, cars, roads, accident
US cars, accident, road
US Sports
US, sports, women
USA, Mexico, sports, women
USA, circus, art
US, sports, cars, accident, road
US, sports, women
USA, circus, animals pets
US sports, rodeo, pets, Indians
Spain, entertainment, domestic animals
US, sports, women

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