Obersalzberg 1937-38 (1938)

Documentary №66709, 6 parts, black-white
Availability:Film hasn't been digitized

Reel №1


The mountains in the snow, clouds float.

Snow-covered forest with snow falling branches.

PNRM. op area, a town in the mountains.

From the window overlooking the mountains.

On deervyah hang bird feeders.

In the forest runs a deer.

The farmer with an armful of hay on her head.

The huge greenhouse windows open, watered and weed seedlings.

A sign on the building: "Platterhof", home furnishings, a fireplace, an armchair, a piano, an inkwell on the table and a book.

The bust on the mantel.

PNRM. through the town, the cable car in the shaft.

The view from the cable car to the mountain and the village.

Open pit mining.

Pit, working machines, conveyor.

Construction of barracks.

A crane lifts a beam on the height.


Key words

Germany, mountains, city, natural phenomena, animals, forest, mine, cable car, household appliances, construction, farmers, plant

Reel №2


A three-storey house on a pole next to a flag with a swastika.

Open up the sign: "Theatre Obersalzberg", people go up the stairs.

House in the woods, under construction, workers Croutes roof.

Snowblower clears the way.

The construction of the road in the mountains.

The crane shall be a lump, workers placed her.

Work stonemasons.

Poster in the open section of the road "13/09/1937 Good luck!".

Miners are drilled rock, give support, is the construction of the tunnel.

The cable car, which goes on the loads on the construction site.

The workers carry bricks, masonry walls.

The man hits the rail, a lunch break, workers eat in the air

Key words

Germany, Theatre, Gos.simvolika, construction, roads, machinery, household, mountains, miners lift, working

Reel №3


Construction of the road continues.

Poster: "With our Fuehrer a good hour!".

January 3, 1938.

Workflows in construction.

Stonemason discourage stones, workers digging, pulling rope boulder throw sand.

On a horse driven board.

A man with a tank on his back bypasses workers are poured from the tank hot tea.

Eelektrostantsii building, machine room, the operator works.

Houses workers, they are on vacation.

One washes the windows, the second mate shaves.

End of work.

On the wall hangs an advertisement for the evening performance.

People were running down the slope to the house.

Workers in the hall, greeting a couple of "young".

The bride, the only woman on a construction site, and the groom - already elderly people.

Images of nature, the first flowers in the meadow, buds on the trees.

Continued construction.

Flying over the Obersalzberg.

View from the aircraft to the mountains in the snow, the area of ​​forest, the town, the new road.

The road turns to the ruins.

Dandelions in the meadow.

On the way, marching girls with things on the side is a woman with a backpack.

Summer Camp in Obersalzberg

Key words

Germany, construction, road, work, vacation, pets, farm, landscaping, wedding, aviation, mountain, forest, city, women, youth

Reel №4


Hitler in a suit and hat standing at the boarding house stairs on which girls are raised, welcomes them, photographed them.

Hitler and the officer with a swastika armband climb the stairs, are the officials, the road teams are teenagers.

Mountain stream in the rocks, cascading streams of water running.

Mountains and forests.

Construction of a bridge across the river.

View of the road in the mountains on the top, her riding cars.

Driving on the road.

Construction of barracks in the SS Oberzalburge coming to an end.

Front of the house with sculpted figures, works by sculptor.

In the center of the courtyard is raised and set pole with a flag with a swastika.

Playing a military band.

On the pole is raised a large wreath with ribbons.

The meeting, in favor of young people.

Boys pull the arms in a Nazi salute.

Construction of houses and roads continues

Key words

Germany, Gos.deyateli, personalities, Hitler youth, building, river, mountain, photo, SS, sculpture, orchestra, Gos.simvolika fascists, rally, road

Reel №5


Workflows on road construction.

Masons at work.

From the top of the mountain falling stones.

Supports made of logs on the road.

Male rock drills.

Rink leveled road.

The town, with its new roads.

In the night sky scattered lights feyeverka.

Festive fire.

Flying over Oberzalbergom.

Clouds over the mountains, the road in the mountains

Key words

Germany, construction, road, mountain, feyeverk, festivals

Reel №6


PNRM. mountains, countryside views from the plane.

New houses in the town.

Everyday life, cows kicked out of the crib, they go to the drinkers.

The farmer carries hay.

The carriage horses, bulls.

Farmers are going to work with scythes, rakes.

New houses Obersalzberg.

The barracks, go soldiers, officers.

Movement on new roads, travel through tunnels.

Mountain view from the window.

Clouds over the mountains

Key words

Germany, building, highway, city, mountains, farmers, animals, soldiers

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