Our region № 14 (1970)

Newsreel №71529, 1 part, duration: 0:10:12
Production: LSDF

Reel №1

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1. The snow-covered city.

Public transport and cars are moving through the streets of the city.

On a commemorative pedestal is a British tank "Mark V", produced in 1918, participating in the battles of the White Army in the Russian North.

The chronicle of 1918: military equipment, the landing of the White Army and the Entente military from ships to earth, the military on the streets of Arkhangelsk, tsarist prisons.

An excursion for schoolchildren to the places of military glory on Mudyug Island, conducted by a participant in the events of 1918-1920, a former prisoner of the convict prison on Mudyug Island, and his story about the conditions of detention in prison.

The chronicle of 1920.

Monument to P.F.Vinogradov, who formed the river flotilla of the city.

Laying wreaths and flowers at the foot of the monument to the heroes of the Red Guards who died in 1918-1920. The modern port of Arkhangelsk.

2. Loggers at work in the winter forest.

Felling trees.

Timber processing enterprises of Arkhangelsk.

The Solombalsky machine-building plant, which produces motor locomotives for the transportation of wood.

Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill.

The production workshops of the combine.

Rolls of paper in the warehouses of the plant.

Savinsky Cement Plant.

Production workshops of the plant.

Production buildings of the plant.

3.50th anniversary of the liberation of the North from the invaders and the White Guards.

A solemn meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the North.

Speech by the First Secretary of the CPSU of the Arkhangelsk region B.V.Popov from the rostrum of the Congress.

Laying a monument in memory of the Soviet people involved in the defeat of the interventionists and the White Guards.

Laying flowers at the foot of the monument.

Key words

Russian North, White Guards, Entente, intervention, paper mill, penal colony, monuments to the heroes of the Red Guards


B.V.Popov Pervij Sekretarj KPSS Arhangeljskoj oblasti

Calendar: 1918-1920

Locations: Arkhangelsk region [768]

Seasons: Winter [823]

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