Our region № 33 (1974)

Newsreel №71586, 1 part, duration: 0:10:21
Production: LSDF

Reel №1

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1. Locomotive depot station Ivanovo.

The machinist-instructor V.Kuznetsov., 2. The Kaliningrad region.

Putting into operation the Guryevskaya poultry farm., 3. Kaliningrad region.

The collective farm "Voskhod", the milkmaid A. Kochetkov., 4. Leningrad.

Vocational school № 92, students from 18 countries - working professions., 5. Smolensk.

Solemn meeting, dedicated to the 170th birthday of MI Glinka., 6. Pioneer camp Ivanovo worsted plant.

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