one-on-one 01/12/1997 (1997)

Telecast №73374, 1 part, duration: 0:40:53
Production: VID
Anchor:Aleksandr Lyubimov

Reel №1

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The main topic of the conversation is political forecasts for 1997.

Guests of the program - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Maxim Boyko and President of the International Foundation "Experimental Creative Center" Sergey Kurginyan.

The opinion of opponents about the current situation in the country.

Maxim Dianov's comment on the need to achieve political stabilization.

The mood of society.

S. E. Kurginyan criticizes the president and his entourage.

M. V. Boyko with an assessment of the behavior of the opposition.

Characteristics of the relationship between the President and the government with the opposition.

Profile of M. V. Malyutin.

Mikhail Malyutin's comment on the opposition.

The dispute over the existence of financial stability in the state.

S. E. Kurginyan on the looming Constitutional Crisis.

Profile of M. V. Boyko.

Profile of A. G. Mekhanika.

Alexander Mekhanik on the economic crisis as a part of the life of society.

S. E. Kurginyan on the consolidation of the political elite and the activities of Boris Yeltsin.

M. V. Boyko on the costs of political stabilization.

Profile of S. M. Markov.

Sergey Markov's opinion: no one controls the power in the country.

Collective discussion of the problem of federalism and elected governors.

Prospects for the emergence of a new wave of organized crime in the ruling circles.

Profile of S. E. Kurginyan.

S. E. Kurginyan and M. A. Dianov on organized crime.

Profile of M. A. Dianov.

The significance of the change in the status of the Federation Council.

Profile of A. P. Segal.

Alexander Segal on the violation of the principle of separation of powers on the example of the situation of elected governors and the likely consequences.

Forecast of the actions of the executive branch.

Expert of the Institute of Modern Politics Valeria Gulimova on the principles of building financial relations between the center and the regions.

General forecasts of S. E. Kurginyan and M. V. Boyko (thesis).


Bojko M.V. -- Russian economist, entrepreneur, full State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. Kurginyan S.E. -- candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, theater director, public and political figure. Dianov M.A. -- Russian public and political figure, Director General of the Institute of Regional Problems, Director of the Department of Regional Policy of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP). Malyutin M.V. -- candidate of Philosophy, lecturer, coordinator of the Russian Association of Political Experts and Consultants, Head of the Political Science programs of the RSPP Expert Institute. Mehanik A.G. -- Russian political scientist, publicist, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Markov S.M. -- Russian public and political figure, Candidate of Political Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Political Studies (IPI). Segal A.P. -- Russian journalist, expert of the Standing Committee of the FNPR Council on Humanitarian Issues (since 1992), consultant of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy and Communications (since 1994).

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