How it was 04/25/1998 (1998)

Telecast №74983, 1 part, duration: 0:38:01
Production: VID
Anchor:Shklovsky Oleg


Cultural Revolution in Petushki: the first gathering of participants of the ASC in 1967.

Reel №1

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Video chronicle:

"Quartier": Yuri Vizbor sings with a guitar.

Among the listeners are Nikita Mikhalkov.

March 20, 1967 Petushki turned into a center of cultural dissident movement, which opposes the existing regime - in the Vladimir region was the first conference on amateur songs, organized by the ASC (amateur song club - "KSP" in russian language).

Video chronicle:

Generation of the sixties.

Speeches bards at the Polytech, "Quarters": Ada Yakusheva, Yuri Kukin, Julius Kim.

Igor Karimov talks about the history of the origin of the ASC abbreviation, explains why Petushki was chosen as the venue for the first ASC conference.

He answers the question about the origin of the "nines".

Vladimir Turiyansky and Igor Karimov recall the first conference of the ASC and its participants.

They talk about the provocative content of the songs that sounded there.

Video chronicle:


March 8, 1968.

Song Festival in the House of Scientists.

Speech by Anatoly Burshtein.

Speech by Alexander Galich.

Alexander Gorodnitsky speaks about the consequences of Galich's first open speech, which became resonant in the playwright's career.

On the influence of Galic on the ASC and on the relationship of power to the Club.

On the politicization of songs ASC.

Video chronicle:

Vladimir Vysotsky performs a song with a guitar.

Audio recording of a song performed by Yuri Vizbor (video contains photos of a bard).

Sergei Nikitin tells about the generation of the 60's.

About the author's desire to put in the content of the song his attitude to the phenomena that had a profound effect on the poet.

Sings in the studio under his own accompaniment.

The participants in the program recall absurd stories when people wrote denunciations to bards performing songs on poems of famous poets such as Shakespeare, Lermontov et al.

Vitaly Medyantsev (from the audience) is a participant of ASC meetings, tells how the authorities closed the Moscow club.

Vladimir Turiyansky sings a song to the accompaniment of a guitar.

Igor Karimov demonstrates the storm, embroidered with emblems of the ASC.

Vadim Egorov together with Sergei Nikitin perform the song "I Love You, My Rains".

Viktor Berkovsky and Sergei Nikitin talk about the difference in the genre of the author's song and the movement of the amateur song club.


Grushinsky Festival of 1997 (from the archive of the program "Vzglyad").

Viktor Berkovsky performs a song dedicated to the participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Alexander Gorodnitsky and Sergei Nikitin are talking about the role of contemporary author's song, its legacy, the movement of ASC s abroad.

Video chronicle:

Bulat Okudzhava performs the song "Hope a Little Orchestra".

The participants of the program, together with the audience, perform the song.


Turiyansky Vladimir - participant of the meeting of the ASC in Petushki. Karimov Igor - participant of the PCB meeting in Petushki, President of the Moscow amateur song club (ASC). Burshtein Anatoly - theoretical physicist, president of the club-cafe "Under Integral". Galich Alexander is a writer, playwright, poet, author and performer of his own songs. Nikitin Sergey - composer, author-performer. Gorodnitsky Alexander is a poet, one of the founders of the genre of the author's song in Russia. Egorov Vadim is a poet and bard. Berkovsky Victor - candidate of technical sciences, composer, bard.

Calendar: 04/25/1998

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