Science and technology № 19 (1981)

Newsreel №75955, 1 part, duration: 0:09:57
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Senchukov Yu.
Screenwriters:Praschickij I., Chervonobab N., Senchukov Yu., Orlov K.
Camera operators:Kreps G., Nebilickij E., Kryuchkin V.
Text authors:P.Korop



3. "Betel" On the creation of electric drive concrete. 4. "Music Silent Century" On the works of Soviet scientists on the decoding of ancient Russian musical signs.

Reel №1

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1. "Electronic robot".

An automated complex of four lathes and a maintenance robot manipulator.

The work of the robot.

Remote controller.

The operator is at the console.

2. "Harvest without soil".

Laboratory of closed plant cultivation systems of the Agrophysical Institute.

Growing plants on a porous film in the laboratory.

Ripe tomatoes.

A powerful root system of plants.

3. Betel.

Power LINES.

Safety automata.

Cement, sand, carbon are the components of the new material - betel.

Resistors made of new material.

The current protective system.

4. "Music that has been silent for centuries...".

Pushkin House.

Old books.

Professor of the Leningrad Conservatory M.V.Brazhnikov (photo).

The icon "Boris and Gleb".

Ancient manuscripts.

Old musical notes.

The Russian Choral Chapel sings.

Yurlova (synchronously).

"Trinity" by A.Rublev.


Basil's Cathedral in Moscow.

Locations: Ukraine [229] Leningrad [848]

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