Science and technology № 5 (1978)

Newsreel №75981, 1 part, duration: 0:09:11
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Gerasimov A., Pokrovskij E., Blehman M., Kaplunov L.
Screenwriters:Pokrovskij E., Stepanova N., Shpungin S., Lifshic L.
Editor:Levin A.
Camera operators:Pokrovskij E., Vasiljev N., Kaplunov L.
Text authors:Kapitanovskij V.
Sound mixer:Roginskaya N.


gas turbine power complexes. 5. "Healing shots" A new method of administering drugs for pulmonary diseases.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. "New in turbo engineering".

The hydroelectric dam.

Turbine hall.

Institute of Hydraulic Engineering.

The hydroelectric dam.

2. "Amazing rhenium".

The Periodic table.

Scientists of the Institute of Metallurgy of the USSR Academy of Sciences are discussing another experiment.

Parts made of rhenium alloys.

3."Thousands of kilometers... in one place"

Checking a new train sample on the move.

The test shop in the Riga branch of the Institute of Railway Carriage Engineering.

Stands equipped with sensitive sensors.

Processing information on a computer.

Design bureau.

4. "Healing shots".

The hospital ward.

The doctor examines the patient's X-ray.

A gun of special design for spraying aerosols in the lungs.

The patient is undergoing a procedure.

The copyright certificate for the invention.

5. "CHP on wheels".

The plane is at the airport.

Measurement of the noise of a turbojet engine in a mobile thermal power plant.

A noise absorber.

CHP on wheels.

Locations: Moscow [820] Riga [969] Ukraine [229]

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