Serve my Homeland 09/14/2014 (2014)

Telecast №80595, 1 part, duration: 0:26:05
Production: VID
On request: Pervij kanal
Director:Shteryanov V.B.
Anchor:Boris Galkin
Screenwriters:Kirisenko A.V.

Reel №1

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The plot of the triathlon of special purpose - the annual international competitions of special forces on the basis of the training center "Vityaz" in Balashikha.

Defeat the anatomical targets through the car's windshield.

Assistance to a conditionally injured driver.

Competition on the obstacle course.

The organizer of the competition Sergey Lysyuk talks about new tasks included in the program of competitions in connection with the emerging situation.

Solemn opening of the competition.

Conducting fire on growth targets with photos of real terrorists.

Competitors on the obstacle course.

Doing fire on targets.

The judges discuss the results of the hits.

The fighter of the Belarusian special division "Almaz" Nikolay speaks about the peculiarities of overcoming the obstacle course.

Sergei Lysyuk presents the winner's cup to the Almaz division.

The injured soldier of the Serbian special forces are carried on stretchers.

The plot of the military-patriotic club "Rus".

Video chronicle: young members of the club learn how to weave chain mail.

The teacher of historical reconstruction Yuri Goncharov speaks about the need to study history through the reconstruction of events and the way of life of past eras.

Occupation of historical reconstruction in the club "Rus".

Training of a young member of the club carpentry.

Matvey Eremchuk talks about his desire to build a wooden house.

Fragments of a wooden Orthodox church under construction near Zaraisk.

The leader of the project of wooden architecture Roman Crafts speaks about the peculiarities of building a wooden church.

Classes for equestrian training and rowing.

Collecting Russian troops on the territory of the Zaraisk Kremlin, competitions in the art of war, historical fencing.

Blacksmith at work.

Reconstruction of the storming of the fortress.

The head of the club "Rus" Igor Volokitin speaks about the goals and tasks of the club.

The plot of the international military music festival "Spasskaya Tower".

Video chronicle: Red Army soldiers are dressed in the stylized form of the First World War.

Newsreel: sending troops to the front at the beginning of the First World War.

Fighting on the fronts of the First World War.

Emperor Nicholas II before the formation of officers.

The regimental orchestra passes along the city street.

The choir of soldiers performs a song.

The commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, Sergei Khlebnikov, speaks of the distortion of the history of the First World War during the Soviet period.

The Serbian military band on Red Square performs the march "On Drina", a general view of the Red Square.

Newsreel and photos of military orchestras of the Russian army.

Head of the Military Orchestra Service of the RF Armed Forces Valery Nikolaev speaks about the importance of military music in raising the fighting spirit of the troops and contributing to the success on the battlefield.

Photos trench everyday life of the First World War.

Exhibits of the exhibition in the State Historical Museum, dedicated to the First World War.

The museum's research fellow Andrei Matveyev tells about some exhibits of the exhibition.

The Russian military band's performance of the song "Nightingale the Ptashechka", a general view of the Red Square.

Waltz on the Red Square.

Head of the Presidential Orchestra Yevgeny Nikitin is conducting a rehearsal on Red Square.

The presidential orchestra performs on the Red Square the song "Guns in the sun sparkling".

Yevgeny Nikitin talks about the continuity of the traditions of Russian military music.

Speech at the Red Square military bands of different countries.

The guest of the program - the head of the Moscow Military Musical College Alexander Gerasimov speaks about the profession of a military musician, about military bands in the structure of the Armed Forces, the role of the military orchestra in raising morale, the Spasskaya Tower festival, the criteria for professional selection for participation in the festival, the history and traditions of the Russian military orchestra service and its prospects.

Calendar: 09/14/2014

Locations: Moscow [820]

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