Having sworn once (2005)

Documentary №81167, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:59
Production: Kazan newsreel studio
Camera operators:Yu.Didelev, E.Zolondinov

Reel №1

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Naval officers say goodbye to their comrades before the flight.

Warships, a submarine.

Chronicle: submarine, sailors loading a gun.

Destruction of enemy ships.

Awarding of the participants of the campaign.

The postman hands the sailors letters from home.

Sailors read letters, look at photos.

Presentation of the medal "60th anniversary of Victory" to U.G.Gainutdinov.

Photo of a young U.Gainutdinov.

Competitions in underwater sports.

Raising the St.

Andrew's flag.

The start of the competition has been given.

V.Mardanov watches the competition.

Photo by V.Mardanov.

Letters of Mardanov.

V.Mardanov teaches the guys diving.

Underwater shooting.


Sungatov is in his office.


Gajnutdinov U.G.-Voenno-morskoj teoretik, pedagog, doktor voenno-morskih nauk (1965 g.), professor (1969 g.), kapitan 1 ranga. S 1936 po 1940 g. obuchalsya v Visshem voenno-morskom uchilische im. M. V. Frunze, posle okonchaniya kotorogo (do 1944 g.) sluzhil v razlichnih dolzhnostyah na podvodnih lodkah Tihookeanskogo flota. Mardanov V.V.-podvizhnik flotskogo dela v Tatarstane, organizator obschestvennoj organizacii “Veterani voenno-morskogo flota RT. Sungatov Sh.H.-Zasluzhennij ekonomist Rossijskoj Federacii (2002 g.).Nagrazhden medalyami "300 let Rossijskomu flotu" (1996 g.), "Marshal Sovetskogo Soyuza Zhukov" (1997 g.), "80 let Vooruzhennih sil SSSR" (1997 g.), "Admiral flota Sovetskogo Soyuza Kuznecov" (1998 g.), "120 let I.V. Stalinu" (1999 g.), "Za ukreplenie boevogo sodruzhestva" (2000 g.), "200 let Ministerstvu finansov RF" (2002 g.), medaljyu "V pamyatj 1000-letiya Kazani" (2005 g.). Blagodarya Shavkatu Sungatovu bili otkriti muzei VMF pri srednih shkolah Agrizskogo, Sabinskogo, Laishevskogo (s. Kirbi) rajonov i shkole №78 Kazani, ustanovleni memorialjnie doski i obeliski v chestj legendarnih moryakov Rossii, v tom chisle i urozhencev Tatarstana. Dva goda nazad po ego iniciative i podderzhke praviteljstva respubliki v Parke Pobedi ustanovlena rubka APL «Kazanj», dostavlennaya iz Severodvinska.

Calendar: 1941

Locations: The Republic of Tatarstan [752]

Reel №2

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Sungatov is riding in a car.

Photos of Sungatov during his service in the Navy.


Sungatov at home.


Sungatov (synchronously).

The club of veteran submariners.

Captain of the 1st rank R.Zaripov - Chairman of the Council of the Russian Defense Sports and Technical Society of the Republic of Tatarstan at the computer.

Photos by R. Zaripov.

R. Zaripov (synchronously).

Submarines in the port.

Veteran submariners visiting schoolchildren.

10th grade student M.Golovanov (synchronously).

Schoolchildren on an active submarine (photo).

A rally dedicated to the Day of the Navy at the Arsky cemetery at the memorial to the fallen sailors.

Laying wreaths.

The submarine goes on a voyage.

Locations: The Republic of Tatarstan [752]

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