Serve my Homeland 05.02.2012 (2012)

Telecast №81490, 1 part, duration: 0:25:59
Production: VID
Anchor:Galkin Boris

Reel №1

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Plots of the program:

1. Our report on the reconnaissance service of the Airborne Forces.

Parachute landing from an airplane.

Column of special equipment in the winter forest.

Says Sergei Volgin, head of intelligence for the 98th Airborne Division.

Scouts in camouflage in the forest.

Overcoming the obstacle course.

Masking the paratroopers.

Complex of radio monitoring, direction finding and suppression.

Portable station of ground reconnaissance.

Says Dmitry Motornin, commander of the radio intelligence department.

Development of reconnaissance on the ground.

Column BMD (combat vehicles landing).

Says Andrei Karasev, senior driver-mechanic.

Scouts in the forest.

2.Suzhet about the work of the station of anti-missile defense "Don2N".

A column of missile technology on the march.

Evacuation of a mobile missile system.

Says Sergei Grabchuk, deputy commander of the antimissile defense compound.

Chronicle of 1961 Polygon "Kapustin Yar".

The exercises to intercept a ballistic missile with a B-1000 anti-ballistic missile.

On the construction of the anti-missile complex A-35. 1994. The experiment of Russia and the United States to determine the work of radars.

The command post of the station "Don2N".

Says Ilya Grushevsky, head of the department of combat algorithms and programs.

Technical equipment of the station.

3. Material from Volzhsky, Volgograd region from the test site of the 187th training center of engineering troops.


Special equipment on the range.

Overcoming the water obstacle.

Says Yuri Stavitsky, chief engineer of the Russian Armed Forces.

Demonstration of the capabilities of the engineering service of the Baltic Fleet.

A floating conveyor transports the Ural machine across the river.

Mining of the coastal strip.

Installation of demining UR-77. Special equipment for excavation and excavation.

Says Andrew Pavlov, head of the Marine Engineering Service of the Baltic Fleet.

4. The guest of the program: Anatoly Kondrukh, Chairman of the Central Council of the Federation of Practical Shooting of Russia.

The main topics of conversation in the studio:

1. About the basic directions of work of federation.

2.Pro necessity of practical shooting, as a sport.

3. About work with internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

4. About the results of the Championship of Russia and the World Championship of the last year.

5. The main tasks facing the federation in the near future.

Calendar: 2012

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