Foreign newsreels № 1723 (1968)

News №91091, 15 footages, duration: 0:23:46
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)

Reel №1

Britain, Soviet Minister V. P. Elyutin in Manchester.

Britain, Soviet recreational hovercraft - "Volga" is demonstrated on the Thames in London.

England - Demonstration of a mini - fire truck.

France - Demonstration of the Metalworkers in Paris.

Fights of demonstrators with police.

Germany - the Explosion in the mine in Lengede. (killed 12 people).

Greece - Composer Theodorakis at home after release.

Performs his new song and makes a statement (thanks its friends in Europe).

USA - Interview with Dean rusk about the incident with the "Pueblo".

USA - Statement by Dr.

Spock at a rally in new York.

USA - Statement by President Johnson that the US will not stop bombing the DRV.

South Vietnam - the Americans taken prisoner by the patriot, who was wounded during the attack patriots in Pleiku, and interrogating him in the hospital.

South Vietnam, In Saigon after the battle - the Destruction, the corpses, the deserted streets; refugees.

India - Opening of the UN conference on trade and development in Delhi.

Japan - the attack of the extremist, armed with a wooden sword, the Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers N. To.

Baibakova in Nagoya.

Cambodia - representatives of the International control Commission to inspect the site of the attack of the American-South Vietnamese forces on the border with South Vietnam.

The UAR (Egypt) - the Beginning of works on clearing of Suez canal.

There are UN observers.

Congo ( Kinshasa)- the Funeral mass in the Cathedral in the 7th anniversary of the assassination of Patrice Lumumba.

The laying of wreaths at the monument to Lumumba.

Nauru - the Ceremony of proclamation of independence of the island of Nauru in the Pacific ocean.

Scene №1

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Scene №2

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Scene №3

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Scene №4

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Scene №5

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Scene №6

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Scene №7

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Scene №8

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Scene №9

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Scene №10

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Scene №11

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Scene №12

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Scene №13

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Scene №14

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Scene №15

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