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"A shamanic ritual in a forest clearing" newsreels and historical clips

The Russians № 4 1994

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:59, published: 8/10/2018

Reel №1

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M. B. Kenin-Lopsan (synchronously) about shamans..

Shaman Kuzhuget B. L. kamlaet in a forest clearing (synchronously).

Children pass each other a bowl with a drink.

M. Kenin-Lopsan about the human soul (synchronously).

Fragment of the play " Shaman "of the Kuzel Theater (Honored Artist of the Republic ...

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... the theater "Kuzel" Meloyan V. Sh.

The shaman Kuular Makur-ool Seveenovich performs some kind of ritual near the stalls with sheep.

The building of the society of shamans of Dungur.

A shaman performs a ritual over the body of a man.

People are sitting on the street, waiting for a reception at the shaman ...

A. Smetona hunting 1938-1939

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:25, published: 6/27/2016

Scene №1 A. Smetona hunting

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Panorama of the winter forest, deep into the forest leaving the hunter.

The hare runs across the clearing.

Hunter bears killed a hare.

One of the hunters holding in his hand a dead fox on the hunt.

Roe runs across the forest clearing.

Hunter bears killed hares.

The dead hare lying at the feet of the ...

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... car A. Smetona

Car Smetona is sent to the forest.

Participants welcomed hunting Smetona and accompanying him persons.

Smetona talking with one of the hunters.

Participants go hunting with guns in the woods.

Resting on a stump hunter.

Fleeing into the forest hare hunt, participants are prepared to shoot ...

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... shoot.

Hare and rush through the forest clearing.

Growing forest planting material for industrial technology. 1988

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:00, published: 3/29/2023


for a wide audience, primarily for forestry professionals. F. introduces and machines that are used in the cultivation of seedlings and saplings of forest tree species.

Reel №1

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Bison in a forest clearing.

Close-up: wedding rings on the car.

A young man carries his wife out of the car in his arms.

A clearing with the stumps of felled trees.

Tractors standing under a canopy.

Plowing and harrowing of the field.

Application of peat and organic fertilizers.

Formation of ...

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... of ridges.

Sowing seeds.

Planting of two-year-old seedlings.


Digging out seedlings and saplings.

Young forest.



Association "Russian Forest"

Clear Lake 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:01, published: 6/2/2021

Scene №1 Clear Lake

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Secrets of Nature № 23 1995

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:43, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1


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... aquarium.

Ritual dance of male and female spawning.

Male gathers the eggs and put them in the slot.

Third plot.


Oka-Terrace Reserve.

Bison in the woods.

Bison and calf in the meadow.

Bison feed on tree branches.

Wild boar in the forest.

Bison-bulls fighting in a clearing in the ...

Volga lights № 23 Who is the master of the forest? 1988

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:39, black-white, published: 7/6/2018


The issue is devoted to the problems of forest conservation on the example of the Bazarno-karabulaksky district forestry of the Saratov region.

Reel №1

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Forest landscapes in the Bazarno-Karabulaksky district of the Saratov region.

View of a forest lake.

Forest flora.

Students work on forest plots.

Felling dry and rotten trees in the forest.

Birch trees in the forest.

Clearing a forest clearing using special equipment.

A man with a chainsaw.

Removal of ...

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... of sawn trunks, panorama of the forest edge.

Chairman of the district Executive Committee V. I. Malyshev speaks about the importance of forestry for the economy of the district, the development of the social sphere, the production of construction materials (synchronously).

Panorama of felled tree trunks ...

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... management to the issues of forest protection and conservation (synchronously).

Loading of wood on trailers-timber carriers.

Sawing trunks with a chainsaw.

Panorama of the forest clearing.

View of the forest edge.

The Forester speaks about the destruction of many hectares of forest for the construction of ...

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... (synchronously).

Types of forest sections that were disfigured during the delivery of building materials.

View of the plot with felled trees for the construction of a house head of the local RSU Romanov.

Malyshev talks about the approval of the issue of building a house (synchronously).

Forest landscapes, views ...

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... arboretum.

Employees of the State forest protection speak about the barbaric attitude of the population to the forest, the facts of unauthorized deforestation, the diversion of security workers to agricultural work in sponsored collective farms (synchronously).

Forest landscape (panorama).

Panorama of ...

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... of flowering trees in the Park.

Forester Goryachev speaks about the need to take strict measures to protect the forest (synchronously).

Students work on the plot of the nursery.

Forest landscape.

Do we know how to relax? 1985

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:46, published: 6/6/2014

Reel №2

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People go windsurfing.

Summer landscape (top), view of the forest area.

Tourists on a horse-riding trip.

Forest and mountain flora and fauna.

Rural landscape, on the road there is a group of tourists.

Tourists visit the monuments of wooden architecture in the Ethnographic Museum in Lithuania.

Museum ...

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... branches of a bush.

Forestry workers in a clearing view a map of the area.

Panorama of the pine forest, part of the clearing.

A sign for the location of the tents.

View of the part of the clearing intended for tourists ' recreation.

Tourists relax on the edge of the forest in specially equipped places.

The boat ...


Helicopter KA - 26. 2 section. 1968

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:03:18, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1

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Ka-26 cargo-passenger version is flying over the forest.

The pilot in the cockpit of the helicopter.

The helicopter makes a circle over the clearing and throws a rope ladder.

The face of the pilot in the cockpit.

A man walks down the rope ladder.

The pilot monitors the descent.

Man jumps to the ground ...

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... ground and directs the helicopter landing in a forest glade.

The helicopter sits on the meadow.

Screws stop.

Passenger cabins overlook people.

Interior view of the cockpit.

The pilot closes the car door.

Helicopter takes off.

Removing the cargo cabin of the helicopter.

Alterations in the cargo version of ...

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... flies over the forest and the water surface.

The helicopter is landing.

A helicopter with a cargo platform on the ground.

The helicopter carries cargo on external sling.

Helicopter lowers the load on the forest glade.

The pilots in the cockpit of the helicopter.

Type of forest clearing with the delivered ...

Leningrad chronicles № 26 1972

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:13, published: 1/18/2021



In Leningrad - plus 33 degrees, film library, forest fires, fighting fires.

In the zoo, a hippo and an elephant are doused with water.

Reel №1

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... himself with water.


Moose in the forest.

The bear cub climbs a tree.

Forest fire.

The Emergency Commission for Fighting Forest Fires is discussing the situation.

A helicopter rises into the air.

The landing party descends from the helicopter.

Smoke over the forest.

Local residents help firefighters ...

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... firefighters extinguish the fire.

The clearings are being bulldozed.

A forester and firefighters are looking at a map of the area.

Clearing the rubble.

A poster prohibiting picking berries and mushrooms in the forest.

A man collects berries in the forest.

The policeman detained the violator.

The violator-berry picker ...

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... cigarette in the woods.

Forest fire.

There is a flying laboratory in the air.

A rocket with silver iodide is fired into the clouds.

A forester walks through the forest.

Planting pine seedlings.

Schoolchildren help to plant a young forest.

Watering of forest plantings.


The river flows Ilet 1990

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:25, published: 7/20/2019

Reel №1

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View of the river Ilet flowing among forests (above).

Panorama of the autumn forest.

View of a section of the highway, passing cars.

The views from the window of a car which crosses a river bridge.

Passing commuter train.

The appearance of forest road, a horse pulls a cart.

Views of the river Ilet (top) ...

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... the river Ford.

A man bathes his horse.

Girl rides along the edge of the shore.

Forest coastal scenery, passing riders.

The trees in the forest.

Views of the river (above).

Coniferous forest on the shore of Ileti.

Clear water, reeds on the shore.

Fishing boat on the river during sunrise.

Underwater vegetation ...

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... on the river.

Birch trees in a forest after a rain.

Forest landscapes, mist between the trees.

Panorama of forest clearing.

Lizard in the grass.

The flowing stream.

Flowers and mushrooms in the forest, so the tree trunk.

Crawling too.

View of the forest.

River and forest landscapes.

Views of the river ...

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