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"Fans Tribune The audience Audience Stadium Arena" newsreels and historical clips

Audience 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:13:34, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Audience

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Three stories about sports 1983

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:35:44, published: 9/29/2016

Movie №1


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... the grass from a distance of 30 and 40 meters.

View of skittles, posters dedicated to sports and flags of the Union republics.

An arrow hits the pins.

Fans are sitting - elderly Buryats in national clothes.

Elderly women shoot from the bow - shots with aiming archers and knocked out pins.

Young girls shoot ...

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... a table with a referee team and fans.

Girls shoot, a boy shoots.

The audience is in the frame.

Large - knocked-out pins, the audience applauds.

Different shots of the competition - a boy, a girl, adult participants shoot, knocked out pins on the ground, the audience applauds, etc.

Representatives of ...

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... and grandson's sports duel - archers aim, shoot, an arrow flies, pins break, the audience applauds, etc.

After the end of the competition, Nikolai Yesheyevich congratulates his grandson, pats him on the head, the audience applauds.

Georgia, panorama of the mountain landscape.

Panorama of the building ...

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... ancient Ikalto monastery in Kakheti.

View of the ancient stone buildings of the ancient city on a hill, panorama of the stadium.

Musicians are playing traditional Georgian music, fans are standing nearby.

Wrestlers are fighting on a special platform.

Large - A man beats a drum.

Competitions in Georgian ...

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... Panorama of the fans who surround the wrestling ground.

An ancient Georgian monastery, a wrestling ground in front of it on the lawn - two participants compete, spectators stand nearby, a table with judges in the foreground.

Large - the audience.

Wrestlers in the arena.

View of the referees, fans.

Men are fighting ...

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... fighting, using techniques, grappling, knocking the enemy to the ground.

The faces of the fans.

Wrestlers in the arena.

The judge is in the frame.

The end of the competition - the referee stands with two athletes, then raises the hand of the athlete who won the competition. wrestlers congratulate each ...

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... new fight - wrestlers greet each other, begin to compete.

The faces of the fans.

Wrestlers in the arena.

The general plan - an ancient monastery, a wrestling arena, wrestlers, judges, spectators, etc. are visible.

The audience is watching the fight.

Different shots of wrestling - power techniques, grapples ...

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... the arena.

The musicians are playing, the audience is applauding.

The referee determines the winner, the athletes shake hands.

Musicians are playing, the audience is sick - there is a new fight in the arena.

Different shots of the competition - wrestlers in the arena, the audience applauding, fans' faces ...


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... mountains, ancient churches, houses, the road.

Chidaoba wrestling competitions are held at a special arena-site.

Different shots of the competition - wrestlers in the arena, apply techniques, grabs, fans, spectators, judges at the table, musicians.

Children compete on a special sandy platform.

The coach ...

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... Maizuradze trains the guys, shows techniques.

Boys compete in the arena.

Georgian musicians are playing.

Spectators on the steps, wrestlers compete in the arena.

Children applaud.

View of the arena, the winner is dancing a lezginka.

The face of a fan.

In the frame is the dancing winner of the competition.

The ...


Movie №2


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... the grass from a distance of 30 and 40 meters.

View of skittles, posters dedicated to sports and flags of the Union republics.

An arrow hits the pins.

Fans are sitting - elderly Buryats in national clothes.

Elderly women shoot from the bow - shots with aiming archers and knocked out pins.

Young girls shoot ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... a table with a referee team and fans.

Girls shoot, a boy shoots.

The audience is in the frame.

Large - knocked-out pins, the audience applauds.

Different shots of the competition - a boy, a girl, adult participants shoot, knocked out pins on the ground, the audience applauds, etc.

Representatives of ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... and grandson's sports duel - archers aim, shoot, an arrow flies, pins break, the audience applauds, etc.

After the end of the competition, Nikolai Yesheyevich congratulates his grandson, pats him on the head, the audience applauds.

Georgia, panorama of the mountain landscape.

Panorama of the building ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... ancient Ikalto monastery in Kakheti.

View of the ancient stone buildings of the ancient city on a hill, panorama of the stadium.

Musicians are playing traditional Georgian music, fans are standing nearby.

Wrestlers are fighting on a special platform.

Large - A man beats a drum.

Competitions in Georgian ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Panorama of the fans who surround the wrestling ground.

An ancient Georgian monastery, a wrestling ground in front of it on the lawn - two participants compete, spectators stand nearby, a table with judges in the foreground.

Large - the audience.

Wrestlers in the arena.

View of the referees, fans.

Men are fighting ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... fighting, using techniques, grappling, knocking the enemy to the ground.

The faces of the fans.

Wrestlers in the arena.

The judge is in the frame.

The end of the competition - the referee stands with two athletes, then raises the hand of the athlete who won the competition. wrestlers congratulate each ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... new fight - wrestlers greet each other, begin to compete.

The faces of the fans.

Wrestlers in the arena.

The general plan - an ancient monastery, a wrestling arena, wrestlers, judges, spectators, etc. are visible.

The audience is watching the fight.

Different shots of wrestling - power techniques, grapples ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... the arena.

The musicians are playing, the audience is applauding.

The referee determines the winner, the athletes shake hands.

Musicians are playing, the audience is sick - there is a new fight in the arena.

Different shots of the competition - wrestlers in the arena, the audience applauding, fans' faces ...


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... mountains, ancient churches, houses, the road.

Chidaoba wrestling competitions are held at a special arena-site.

Different shots of the competition - wrestlers in the arena, apply techniques, grabs, fans, spectators, judges at the table, musicians.

Children compete on a special sandy platform.

The coach ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Maizuradze trains the guys, shows techniques.

Boys compete in the arena.

Georgian musicians are playing.

Spectators on the steps, wrestlers compete in the arena.

Children applaud.

View of the arena, the winner is dancing a lezginka.

The face of a fan.

In the frame is the dancing winner of the competition.

The ...


MSU 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:38, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 MSU

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame



Scene №1 Gymnastic competitions and a parade of students from the Moscow Aviation Institute, in honor of the new academic year

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Students outside the MAI.

Monument Ordzhonikidze at the entrance to the building.

Stadium MAI.

Columns with banners are athletes of the institute.

Applauding audience.

Flag raising ceremony of the new stadium.

Competition cyclists.

Competitions on the run.

Portrait of Stalin on the building.

Performances ...

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... Performances of athletes of the Institute: the high jump, shot put.

Address women's volleyball and basketball teams.

Applaud the fans.

Soviet Sport № 8 Festival of Sport - a holiday of peace. 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:14, published: 3/25/2014


Games in Luzhniki: Children perform a variety of sports exercises on the stadium: act gymnasts, participants of the event welcomed the participants of the joint space flight Leonov, T. Stafford.

Carnival procession at the stadium.

General Secretary of the CPSU, Mikhail Gorbachev speaks at the opening


The opening ceremony of the Goodwill Games at a stadium in Luzhniki.

Reel №1

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Competitors in the arena of the stadium - are pass.

Girls in national costumes presented with Russian athletes bread and salt.

In the arena the stadium children perform various athletic exercises.

Participants undergo carnival, circus artists perform: clowns, tightrope walkers, riders, jugglers, trapeze ...

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... listen to the voice of Yuri Gagarin (synchronously).

Dummy spacecraft over the stadium.

The joint Soviet-American space flight T. Stafford, Leonov and V. Kubasov on vehicles passing through the stadium, hug, kiss.

Applauding audience.

Snippets of sports and theater rooms.

General Secretary of the CPSU, Mikhail ...

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... Mikhail Gorbachev speaks at the opening ceremony of the Games (synchronism).

The stadium sneaked flag Goodwill Games.

Bowl with the Olympic flame.

Moments of different competitions: the gymnast performs with ribbons, jumping from the tower; exercises on uneven bars, soccer, volleyball, boxing, wrestling ...


Foreign newsreels № 3135 1972

News, 1 part, duration: 0:08:20, published: 1/24/2014

Reel №1 XX Summer Olympic Games

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Run around the stadium track and field athletes.


Soviet athlete in second place.


Scoreboard winner - K.Volferman (FRG).

Rewarding K.Volfermana, J. Lusis (USSR) and B.Shmidta (USA).

Fencing tournament among women.

Award winners.

G.Gorohova (USSR) - third place.

Swimming competition among ...

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... among men.

The audience at the stadium.

Walking race 50 meters.

Winner-B.Kannenberg (FRG).


Women's race at the stadium.



Running (male) 10,000 m


Winner L.Viren (Finland).

Podium: L.Viren (Finland), E.Puttemans (Belgium), I.Mirus (Ethiopia).

XV Olympic Games in Helsinki. 1952

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:20, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 XV Olympic Games in Helsinki.

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The fans in the audience.

The final meeting of Greco-Roman wrestling fighters lightweight S. Safina (USSR) and Frey (Sweden).

S. Safin on the podium, he handed the gold medal.

The judge declared the winner of the final meeting of the heavyweight champions - Soviet fighter II Kotkasa.

I. Kotkas on the ...

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... rewarding.

The opening ceremony XV Olympic Games - the parade of athletes, spectators under umbrellas in the stands of the stadium, athlete runs with the Olympic torch.

Stadium in Helsinki - shot from the top point.

Ah, Lev Ivanych, Lev Ivanych! 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:29, published: 11/10/2012


anniversary of Lev Yashin.

The film was filming the following: the arrival in Moscow for the football match stars of world football festival at the stadium "Dinamo", devoted to the 60 th anniversary of AL Yashin with E. Evtushenko, AI Neto, N. Simonian, fragments of a football game interview with foreign


The film is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the famous goalkeeper Lev Yashin, the Gala Meeting took place in the stadium "Dynamo" with the participation of world and Soviet football stars.

Reel №1

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Portuguese soccer player Eusebio autographs - CU.

Veteran athletes are at the stadium "Dinamo" - different.

People at the metro station "Dinamo» - MS., LS. with a / t, PNRM.

The fans at the entrance to the stadium - CU., PNRM.

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the football player, Honored Coach ...

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... with banners - LS., MS.

Sport flags - CU.

The orchestra - MS.

The fans in the stadium - MS., PNRM.

They run the young players - LS., PNRM.

Are adolescent athletes - MS., PNRM.

LI Yashin rides in the car in the stadium, the audience stood applauding - MS., LS.

Shoot photographers - different.

The ...

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... light board, "the 60th anniversary of Lev Yashin dedicated» - CU.

LI Yashin welcomes visitors - CU., Departure.

Poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko at the stadium reads his poems on L. Yashin (synchronous) - CU.

Listening L. Yashin - CU.

Veteran athletes listen, applaud, approach L. Yashin - LS.

Friendly cartoon ...

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... Pilgut, Beckenbauer, Eusebio, B. Charlton, Groshich, Kolev: moments of the game, the goal is - different.

Applauding fans (umbrellas) - CU., MS., PNRM.

Watch the coaches and judges - CU.

Fans and umbrellas - CU., MS., PNRM.; Rejoice - MS., PNRM.

Watching young athletes - CU.

Applauds L. Yashin - CU.


Reel №2

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Continuation of the holiday at the stadium "Dynamo".

See the spectators - LS., MS., PNRM.

LI Yashin with his wife to the guest platform - MS.

Goalkeeper in goal - CU., PNRM.

Jubilee match between the world and society team "Dynamo": moments of the game - different.

Hockey player Vyacheslav Fetisov ...

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... with V. Fetisov (synchronous) - CU.

Fans watch the match, cheering - CU. persons.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko in the audience - MS.

Newsreel 1955g.-1960s.:

L. Yashin during the game - at the gate, beats, catching, throwing the ball - different. and RAPID.

Watching fans.

Training L. Yashin.

L. Yashin award ...

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... CU., Departure.

The stadium passing car, donated by L. Yashin Japanese firm "Mazda» - MS., LS., PNRM.

Spectators watch, welcome L. Yashin - MS., LS., PNRM.

LI Yashin thanked the audience (synchronous) - CU.

L.I.Yashin leaving the stadium by car to the applause of the audience - LS., PNRM.

Newsreel ...

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Newsreel 1971.:

L. Yashin says goodbye and leaves the field after the last match, it carried to the stadium.

Balloons in the sky above the stadium - LS., PNRM.

Athletes veterans: K. Beskov, I. Net, N. Simonian-CU.

Train "Sokol". 1996-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:14, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Train "Sokol".

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... lecture rooms.

The drawings on the wall "running of the train Sokol"

"VNIITransmash for rail transport."

In drawing a lecturer with the pointer.

The audience for the party.

Lecturer of the federal program

designed for a speed of 200 km / h (synchronous).

Specialist on privatizing the project, public and ...


Audience Institute

Sand Volleyball 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:32, published: 11/10/2012


the development of the Soviet Union such a sport like beach volleyball.

In the film, the following filming: volleyball match at the Luzhniki sports arena, the kind of desert volleyball court at CTC and about them.

Gorky in

Moscow, playing volleyball on the beach, near the ponds in Borisov

Moscow public

Reel №1

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A panorama of a volleyball match on the Central Arena of the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow.

Volleyball veterans at the tribune.

A panorama of semi-empty grand stands.

The scoreboard with the match results.

A newsreel:

Stadium entrance; fans are hurrying up.

A volleyball match.

The recreation-and-entertainment ...

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... (evening).

Young people are dancing break.

A panorama of tennis courts.

A panorama of empty volleyball grounds.

The lock on the gate.

The referee at the tribune (without volleyball players).

A panorama of the ground.

Girls are playing tennis on the volleyball ground.

A panorama of people playing volleyball ...

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... watching and eating an ice-cream.

A coach under an umbrella with a microphone.

A panorama of the spectators.

Estonia: a beach volleyball match.

The fans.

A coach on the stand.

The moments of the volleyball match.

Estonian spectators' faces.

Lovers are embracing sitting on the sand.

The referee is arguing ...


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